Urban and Regional Economics – International Conference, Katowice

The conference has the aim to bring together scientific and professional knowledge on functional urban areas as well as relevant national and regional urban policies. The academic debate will focus on answering questions related to delimitation, development strategies and policies supporting FUAs. Last but not least, the meeting will be a opportunity to integrate academics and network future research projects in the field of urban and regional studies.

Submissions on the following themes are welcomed:

  • functional urban areas and relevant policies (conference key theme)
  • innovation in cities
  • regional specialization
  • interactions in regional development
  • land use policy for cities and regions
  • EU regional policy and its impact on cities and regions
  • urban and metropolitan governance
  • economic resilience of metropolitan regions and agglomerations
  • urban and regional regeneration
  • urban and regional competitiveness and entrepreneurship
  • urban and regional public services and infrastructure

Important dates:
31 MARCH 2015 Abstract submission deadline and ERSA young researcher prize (Ph.D. students) submission | two best papers to be awarded with fee waiver and travel/accommodation refund up to 200 EUR |
22 APRIL 2015 Notification of acceptance
30 APRIL 2015 Registration ends / final date for fee payment
8 JUNE 2015 Submission of ppt presentations for conference
30 JUNE 2015 Final paper submission deadline
All reviewed and accepted papers will be issued in JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT, EKONOMIA or STUDIA REGIONALIA.
More info [pdf]
Registration and abstract form [doc]