Call for Participants: Transnational Summer School – 30.07.-06.08.2017, Glauchau / Germany


Background, aim and topics

The Interreg Central Europe project InduCult 2.0 will host an international summer school with 10-20 Master and PhD-students engaged in topics related to industrial heritage and industrial culture from a range of disciplines (e.g. geography, architecture, planning, arts, cultural studies, industrial history). Together with the University of Graz, the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography (IfL) will organize the school in summer 2017 supported by weberag Glauchau, the local economic development agency.

The large county town Glauchau is a city with 24.000 inhabitants located in the south-west of Saxony, in the administrative district „Zwickauer Land“. During industrialization in the 19th century, Glauchau became an important place for textile industry in the fields of spinning and weaving. In this time, many large and splendid factories where built.

After the political change in Germany in 1989, the textile industry was not competitive anymore and new branches of economy developed. Significant buildings like the Palla-ensemble shaping the cityscape went out of use. The “Palla” is a large area with many buldings located in the middle of the town at the axis between the railway station, the market and the castles.

The city of Glauchau, who owns the Palla-ensemble, wants to transform the historically significant buildings and devote them to modern usage linked to the creative and cultural economy – but also other futures are possible. The topics of the summer school are related to creative ideas of the buildings transformation and to the re-conceptualisation of industrial culture in scientific and practical terms (relating to such concepts as industry 4.0, post-industrial society and knowledge- based economy).

The programme of the school will consist of 2 days of scientific input and debate, 2 days empirical and analytical work based on local input and 2 days of project based atelier work aiming at the re-invention of the former industrial site Palla. Group-work results – inspired by the design thinking method – have a high probability to attract local interest and to be implemented at later stages of project development.

Participants will work in the premises of the former voluntary fire brigade on site and will be accommodated in residential facilities of the University of Cooperative Education Glauchau. There will also be a social programme linked to the summer school.

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