ISCONTOUR 2016 – 4th International Student Conference in Tourism Research

We cordially invite you to participate in the 4th International Student Conference in Tourism Research (ISCONTOUR 2016).

The conference targets active students, alumni, scholars, teachers, practitioners from the industry and basically everyone interested in tourism! ISCONTOUR which is jointly organised by the IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems and the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, attracts every year about 200 participants from more than 30 different countries.

We have put together an excellent programme which you can find already online on

A total of 27 research papers from authors from more than 20 different countries will be presented at ISCONTOUR on 24 May 2016. As keynote speaker we were able to attract Dr. Melanie Smith from the Budapest Metropolitan State University of Applied Sciences. In her presentation she will ask the question whether we are „Over-whelmed by Wellness? Time to put the Health back into Health Tourism!“

The research methodology workshop sessions on 23 May 2016 in the afternoon are specifically geared to active students and participants interested in applied research methods. You can find a detailed outline of the sessions’ content on

The conference social programme includes a wine tasting experience at a traditional Austrian winery and plenty of opportunities for networking:

We cordially inviting you to participate in ISCONTOUR 2016 at the IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems, Austria, from 23-24 May 2016.

The early bird online registration (only 30 EUR for students and 100 EUR for non-students) is open until 30 April 2016 on

Join us at ISCONTOUR 2016!
