Dear colleagues!

The Department of Human Geography and Regional Studies, Faculty of Geology, Geography, Recreation and Tourism, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (Ukraine) invites you and your colleagues to take part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference «Region-2018: Optimal Development Strategy» (November 8-10, 2018) and to publish your papers in the scientific journal «JOURNAL OF HUMAN GEOGRAPHY», included in the scientometric bases Index Copernicus, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, Google Scholar, InfoBase Index, Eurasian Scientific Journal Index, Scientific Indexing Services, Cite Factor, Research Bible, OAJI, ERIH PLUS, DOAJ, processing in Web of Science. Requirements to manuscripts see the following:

Manuscripts should be written in English.

Deadline for submission materials for the conference and papers to the journal – October 1, 2018.

Also we offer you to familiarize with research fields of the department.

Our department deals with researches in the field of human (social) geography, regional development and territory planning, geodemography and urban geography, social development monitoring, estimation of tourist and recreational potential and tourist activity optimization, etc.

Among the directions of the department’s work, it is necessary to highlight the following research:

  • migration processes in Ukraine and the world; their causes and socio-economic consequences, forecasting and modeling of migration processes. The search for ways to regulate the migration of the population, the problems of settlers, ways to solve them, peculiarities of the settlers adaptation, their socioeconomic security, etc.;
  • planning of urban space, zoning of the territory in accordance with its functional features, ways to optimize the city’s infrastructure in accordance with the needs of population and economy, identifying possible ways and recommendations for the formation of cities as „smart-city“, „creative-city“, „green -city», «inclusive cities», etc.;
  • research of the tourist and recreational potential of the region, development of various types of tourism, including green tourism, rural tourist estates, infrastructure changes in rural areas;
  • territorial organization of rural areas of the region, problems of depressed rural areas, solutions, optimization of agricultural production in a region based on the development of farming, attracting investment, justifying the change in the specialization of agricultural production, prospects for farming development, justifying new directions for development, improving infrastructure, etc. ;
  • GIS in education and science, application of GIS technologies, work with GIS tools;
  • Development of methodology for human geography.

Our department participated in the development Kharkiv Development Strategy-2020, especially in such directions: population and region’s settlement system, educational system and healthcare, social infrastructure and population social security, cross-border cooperation, agriculture and agro-industrial complex, tourist attractiveness of a territory.

We have worked out a list of original methods:

  • spatial analysis – construction the surface of interaction and spatial impact of the socio-geographical objects (settlements of different ranks, separate elements of the social and industrial infrastructure, etc.).
  • analysis the state, dynamic and development monitoring of the socio-geographical objects (modeling of trajectory development, identification the level and pace development, deviations from the optimal trajectory, progressive and regressive development phases, correction of the managed decisions;
  • multidimension classification of socio-geographical system on different system development indicators (estimation the systems evolution potential, specialization of systems, specificity of development).

The indicated methods were tested by our researchers, PhD students and doctoral students in the researches of region’s social and demographical development, investment attractiveness and territory competitiveness, cross-border cooperation, depressive and old industrial regions development, agriculture and ecologically balanced husbandry, tourist and recreational potential, transport system, educational system, healthcare, religion and cultural sphere, geoecological situation, infrastructure with use of GIS-technologies, etc.

We are interested in organizing the common conferences, workshops, implementing the common research projects, publishing common articles, participation in the projects of academic mobility (i.e. Erasmus+).

If some of the listed directions or activities are similar to yours we will glad to cooperate. If you have other ideas of cooperation, please, contact us.

The web-site of the department:

For more information writhe to the following addresses: – on the participation in the conference – on the publishing manuscripts to the journal;, – on issues of cooperation.