GeoLectures Announcement

Dragi studenti Geografskog fakulteta, kao i u prethodnom zimskom semestru, organizujemo za vas nekoliko zanimljivih predavanja na engleskom jeziku. Naš cilj je da vam omogućimo da se što bolje pripremite za mobilnost i internacionalizaciju koju Bolonjski sistem podrazumeva, a da istovremeno čujete i učestvujete u diskusijama koje se tiču nekih aktuelnih izazova u prostornim naukama i politikama.

Sa zadovoljstvom Vas pozivamo da dođete na sledeća predavanja koja će se održati sa početkom u 16:00 časova u Vojvođanskoj 1 u Zemunu:

  1. Forest and Climate, Tijana Ležaić, PhD student – stipendist03. decembar
  2. Spatial Planning – A Critical Overview, Tijana Dabović, Assistant Professor, 10. decembar;
  3. Trends and issues in the Contemporary Tourism, Nikola Todorović, research associate, 17. decembar.

Vidimo se!

Danica Šantić, Jelena Luković, Ivan Novković, Tijana Ležaić, Nevena Radić, Nikola Todorović, i Tijana Dabović


Dear students of the Faculty of Geography, we have prepared for you a set of exciting lectures that we plan to deliver in English! Since, mobility and internationalization are requirements according to Bologna system, our idea is to increase your ability for successful integration in an English speaking environment. At the same time, you will have the chance to get familiar with and discuss some important current issues in spatial sciences and policies.

Therefore, it is our pleasure to invite you to join us each of these dates at 16:00h in Vojvođanska Street No. 1 in Zemun for the following lectures:

  1. Forest and Climate, Tijana Ležaić, PhD student – stipendist, 03. december;
  2. Spatial Planning – A Critical Overview, Tijana Dabović, Assistant Professor, 10. december;
  3. Trends and issues in the Contemporary Tourism, Nikola Todorović, research associate, 17. december.

We are looking forward to seeing you there!

Danica Šantić, Jelena Luković, Ivan Novković, Tijana Ležaić, Nevena Radić, Nikola Todorović and Tijana Dabović