Fourth Romanian – Bulgarian – Hungarian – Serbian Conference

Fourth Romanian – Bulgarian – Hungarian – Serbian Conference is an interdisciplinary and cross-cultural meeting which welcomes presentations on geographic research and cross border cooperation within the Danube basin. The event targets a broad spectrum of participants, recognizing the multidisciplinary research in geography and other related disciplines.
Conference will be held on 15. – 17. September, 2016. at Vidin, Bulgaria.

1. Geography, Governance and Local Development
2. Cross-border and Transnational Cooperation
3. Environment, Risk Assessment and Management
4. Climate Change and Water Recourses
5. GIS, Landscape Analysis and Landscape Planning
6. Cultural and Political Challenges in Geography
7. Population trends, Human Mobility and Emigration
8. Sustainable Tourism Policy, Planning and Development

First circular [pdf]
Registration form [doc]
Contact and more information at