Submit your abstract until October 18, 2018 

November 8, 2018

Graz University of Tachnology

Graz, Austria
We would kindly like to invite you to register for the 2nd International Scientific Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology, Tourism, Economics, Management and Agriculture (ITEMA) scheduled on November 8, 2018 in Graz – Austria. Conference venue is Graz University of Technology.
Abstract Submission Deadline: October 18, 2018
Final Paper Submission Deadline: 
November 30, 2018
Publication Release:
December 30, 2018
Conference proceedings: All accepted papers/abstracts will be published in the „Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference – ITEMA 2018″ after the conference or in partner journals, and their publication in the proceedings does not require presentation at the conference venue.
Also, conference proceedings will be submitted to indexation and / or publication and / or the listing at the Thomson Reuters ISI Web of Science (WOS) Conference Proceedings Citation Index, EBSCO, CiteSeerX, SCOPUS, ERA, ProQuest, Google Books, Google Scholar database and so on.

The official language of the conference is 
. Papers may be written and presented in English.

Registration fees

​The registration fee should be paid per paper, regardless of the number of authors. Each participant may submit a maximum of two papers - one as the first author, the other as co-author.

95 Eur (11.400 dinars for participants from Serbia)* - Participants from academic and scientific-research institutions, business sector, government sector, public administration, chambers of commerce and others
75 Eur (9.000 dinars for participants from Serbia)* - Postgraduate students (must submit studying certificate – all coauthors of paper should be undergraduate or postgraduate students)
65 Eur (7.800 dinars for participants form Serbia)* – Undergraduate students (must submit studying certificate – all coauthors of paper should be undergraduate students) and unemployed

Attention: the costs of the money transfer are to be covered by the participants.

*Registration fee includes: publication of one paper in a conference proceedings and one copy of a conference proceedings on a CD, one certificate of attendance, participation in all conference sessions for one co/author, refreshments during breaks, lunch, postal costs of sending conference proceedings and certificate, other organizational costs…

Scientific (Program) Committee members:

1. Pece Nedanovski
PhD, Full – Time Professor

Ss. Cyril and Methodius University

Faculty of Economics

Skopje, Macedonia

2. Dejan Filipović
PhD, Full – Time Professor, Dean

Faculty of Geography

University of Belgrade

Belgrade, Serbia

3. Zhanna Mingaleva
Phd, Professor

Perm National Research Polytechnic University

Perm, Russia 

4. Duško Šnjegota
PhD, Associate Professor

Faculty of Economics

University of Banja Luka

Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

5. Gordana Marjanović
PhD, Associate Professor

Faculty of Economics

University of Kragujevac

Kragujevac, Serbia

6. Sandra Jednak
PhD, Associate Professor

Faculty of Organisational Sciences

University of Belgrade

Belgrade, Serbia

7. Brilanda Bushati
PhD, Associate Professor

University of Shkodra „Luigj Gurakuqi“

Economic Faculty

Shkodër, Albania

8. Zafer Çalışkan
PhD, Associate Professor

Hacettepe University

Department of Economics

Ankara, Turkey

9. Branka Remenarić
PhD, Lecturer

Zagreb School of Economics and Management, Zagreb, Croatia

10. Karolina Olszewska
PhD, Assistant Professor

Faculty of Social Sciences

Institute of International Studies

Wrocław, Poland

11. Veneta Krasteva
PhD, Assistant Professor

Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge, ​

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria

12. Yasin Galip Gençer
PhD, Assistant Professor

Yalova University

Yalova, Turkey

13. Željko Sudarić
PhD, Assistant Professor

College of Applied Sciences „Lavoslav Ružička“

Vukovar, Croatia

14. Robert Jurča
PhD, Assistant Professor

European Polytechnic Institute 


​Czech Republic

15. Nikolina Ljepava
PhD, Assistant Professor

MBA Program Director 

American University in the Emirates, Dubai, UAE 

16. Irena Andreeska
PhD, Associate Professor

University for Tourism and Management – Skopje and Euro College – Kumanovo


17. Nada Kosanović

Institute for the Application of Science in Agriculture

Belgrade, Serbia

18. Duško Tomić
PhD, Full – Time Professor

American University in the Emirates

​Dubai, United Arab Emirates

19. Branko Ljutić
PhD, Full – Time Professor

Belgrade, Serbia

20. Miodrag Simović
​PhD, Full – Time Professor

Faculty of Law, Banja Luka

​Judge of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina

21. Zoran Ćirić
PhD, Associate Professor

Faculty of Economics

University of Novi Sad

Subotica, Serbia

22. Gordana Dozet
PhD, Associate Professor

Faculty of Biofarming

​Backa Topola, Serbia
The ITEMA Conference is Organised by​
The Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans currently has more than 200 members (click to explore) who came from more than 130 different institutions (click to explore), more specifically, members from Balkans countries as associate members and honorary members from other countries (Slovakia, Czech Republic, Russia, Ukraine, Mexico, Austria, Switzerland, Turkey, etc.).

The association with other partner institutions has successfully organized several international conferences supported by the 
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia. Here are listed some of conferences.
Third international scientific conference titled: Knowledge based sustainable economic development
ERAZ 2017 - Hotel Metropol, Belgrade – June 8, 2017

Participation in the conference took a total of 132 researchers with the paper- representing:
• 17 different countries,

•  46 different universities,

•  45 eminent faculties,

•  5 scientific institutes,

•  10 colleges…
​International Scientific Conference on Economics and Management: Globalization Challenges 
EMAN 2017 - Ljubljana – March 30, 2017 – Hotel M

Participation in the conference took a total of 285 researchers with the paper representing:

• 17 different countries,
• 56 different universities,
• 69 eminent faculties,
• 12 scientific institutes,
• 14 colleges…
Second International Scientific-Business Conference titled: Leadership and Management – Integrated Politics of Research and Innovations - LIMEN 2016 - Belgrade, December 15, 2016 – Hotel Moscow

Participation in the conference took a total of 192

researchers with the paper representing:

· 16 different countries,

· 36 different universities,

· 37 eminent faculties,

· 5 scientific institutes,

· 9 colleges…
Explore more conferences…

Participation in the this conferences took more than 1000 researches representing more than 150 eminent universities from 21 countries: Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Italia, Latvia, Libiya, Macedonia, México, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland and Turkey.

In the Conference Proceedings 
562 papers have been published on more than 4500 pages.


If you do not wish to submit a paper you are very welcome to JOIN AS AN OBSERVER.
We look forward to your registration and/or paper submission.

Please take time to explore the website for more details, check on other important information and keep yourself up to date on recent changes.
Visit ITEMA conference websit