Ph.D. Petar Vasić

Date and place of birth: 05.08.1980., Smederevo

Dr Petar Vasić, the first graduate demographer in Serbia, was born in 1980 in Smederevo. He graduated in 2003 as the best student of the generation at the Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade. He is a member of the first generation of students of demography at the Faculty of Geography. He attended postgraduate studies in demography at the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade, where he obtained the academic title of Master of Demography in 2010. He is defending his doctoral dissertation entitled “Age as a demographic determinant of household consumption in Serbia” at the Faculty of Geography in Belgrade in 2016. Dr Petar Vasić has received scholarships from several institutions during his career so far and has won a number of awards. As a researcher, he has so far participated in eight scientific research and professional projects, the preparation of a demographic study for the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia 2021-2035, several commercial infrastructure projects and local public policies and strategic documents in Serbia and abroad. He has been employed as a lecturer at the Faculty of Geography since 2006. Areas of his specific scientific interest in the field of demography are population policy, demographic projections and various forms of applied demography. He has been a member of the Society of Demographers of Serbia since 2001.


Vasic, P. (2021), Fertility Postponement between Social Context and Biological Reality: The Case of Serbia, Sociologia-Slovak Sociological Review, ročnik 53, No. 3, pp 309-336.

Vasić, P. (2021), Childbirth Postponement and Age-related Infertility in Serbia, Facta Universitatis Series: Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology and History Vol. 20, No 2, pp. 97 – 111

Vasić, P. (2020), Relevantnost demografskih projekcija u prostornim planovima jedinica lokalne samouprave: Primer prostornog plana opštine Ub, Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja – zbornik radova, Beograd, str. 159-165.

Vasić, P. (2019), Lokalna samouprava i politika prema rađanju – analiza demografskih i socioekonomskih pokazatelja, Demografija br.16, str. 53-76.

Vasić, P. (2017), Projekcije domaćinstava metodom stopa nosilaca domaćinstva: primer Srbije, Stanovništvo, br 55, vol 2,

Rašević, M., Vasić, P. (2017), Obrazovanje kao faktor fertiliteta i populacione politike u Srbiji,Annales, Series Historia et Sociologia 27, 2017/3,

Vasić, P. (2017), Da li i kako uvesti faktor starosti žene u politiku prema rađanju, „Poruke demografa kreatorima javnih politika“, IDN-CDI, Beograd.

Vasić, P., Marinković, I., (2016), Parental allowance in Serbia – examining the World Health Organization recommendations, Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences, Public Administration Department, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2016: Issue No. 49 E/October

Basten, S. & T. Frejka (co-ordinating authors)(2016): Fertility and Family Policies in Central and Eastern Europe. Comparative Population Studies, vol. 41/1, 3-56. (Serbian collaborator together with Mirjana Rašević and Mirjana Bobić)


  • Population projections
  • Population policy
  • Demographic analysis of market and public consumption
  • Applied demographics
  • Demographic projections and politics
  • Methods and techniques of demographic analysis


He was awarded as the best student of the generation 2003/04 at the Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade.


He is a member of the Society of Demographics of Serbia.

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