Workforce and employment (NOD32O5)

  • Level of study undergraduate studies
  • Teacher: Ph.D. Vera Gligorijević
  • Subject status: obligatory
  • ECTS: 4
  • Semester: VI
  • Number of classes: 2

The goal of the course is to present causal relation between demography and global labour market with empirical applications for the Serbian labour market.

After completing the course, the student is expected to be able to explain basic labour market issues in a verbal and graphical way; critical thinking about actual issues in labour market; analyse the consequences of different kinds of public policy for the labour market.

Theoretical lectures

Demographic and economic determinants of size and composition of labour force. Basic indicators labour market: crude labour force rate, participation rates, employments rates, unemployment rates, inactivity rates. Labour force supply and demand in advanced economies. Labour force in developing countries. Balance between supply and demand. Working migrations. Knowing economy, globalisation and ageing of workforce. Brain drain and brain circulation. Women in labour market. Work-life balance. Flexible work. Consequences of unemployment. Unemployment and inactivity in Serbia. Comparison between Serbia and EU countries. Planning and public policy of labour market.

Matković G. (1994). Demografske činioci i ponuda radne snage, Beograd: Ekonomski institut

Wertheimer-Baletić А. (1999). Stanovništvo i razvoj, Zagreb: Nakladnička kuća MATE.

Arandarenko M., Žarković, J., Vladisavljević M. (2012). Od neaktivnosti do zaposlenosti, Beograd: Тим за социјално укључивање и смањење сиромаштва.

Borjas G.(2010). Labor economics, 5. ed.: Boston: McGraw-Hill

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