Water Management Problems (NOG21I3)

  • Level of study undergraduate studies
  • Teacher: Ph.D. Nenad Živković
  • Subject status: elective
  • ECTS: 4
  • Semester: III
  • Number of classes: 2

Introducing students with all the problems that are present in human society, and are related to water. This implies correct understanding of the use of water, its protection, and protection against its adverse impact.

Enable students to recognize in water not only a means to satisfy their needs, but also a friend to whom they should return to an equal measure. The intense need for water implies a complete understanding of all of its physical and chemical properties, circulations in nature and the laws under which it occurs, renews and participates in our life and economic activities. In accordance with the contemporary pace of life and the needs of people, a student must acquire a realistic picture of the water resources and the ultimate range of their exploitation. In order to achieve this, our consciousness must be ready to accept great disclaimers and investments in water, even when quick results are not visible. As a final outcome, it is also consistent with the consequences of irrational use of water or its spirited action.

Theoretical lectures

The concept of water management and its division; Water supply; Quality of drinking water; Irrigation; Hydroenergetics; Sailing; Aquaculture; Tourism and recreation on water; Water erosion and torrents; Watercourse regulation; Floods; Wastewater; Determination of water quality; Status of water quality and their protection; Water potentials of Serbia - situation and perspectives.

Dukić D., GavrilovićLj. (2006). Hidrologija. Zavod za udžbenike  i nastavna sredstva. Beograd.

Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede (2001). Vodoprivredna osnova Republike Srbije. Institut za vodoprivredu  "Jaroslav Černi", Beograd.

Vladisavljević Ž. (1969). O vodoprivredi. Institut za vodoprivredu  "Jaroslav Černi", Beograd.

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