Waste Management (13OZS42O2)
- Level of study undergraduate studies
- Teacher:
Ph.D. Dejan Filipovic
Ljubica Duškov
- Subject status: obligatory
- ECTS: 4
- Semester: VIII
- Number of classes: 2+2+1
Students will get acquainted will the complex issues of waste management, i.e. with the basic principles of its collection, transport, recycling, treatment and disposal.
Raising awareness of the necessity of proper waste management. Ability to prepare a waste management plans.
Theoretical lectures
- The concept, types and characteristics of waste;
- Waste management – waste collection and transport;
- Waste management – waste treatment and disposal;
- The legislative framework of waste management;
- The institutional framework of waste management;
- Municipal solid waste (analysis, quantities, types and composition);
- Regional and local waste management plans;
- Industrial waste (analysis, quantities, types and composition);
- Hazardous waste (analysis, quantities, types and composition);
- Special waste streams;
- The concept and characteristics of waste recycling;
- Sanitary landfills and transfer stations;
- The criteria for siting waste landfills;
- The economic and social aspects of waste management;
- Environmental protection measures.
Practical lectures
- A waste collection and transport plan for one area;
- Analysis of international and local legal acts;
- Elaboration of waste treatment (composting, mechanical and biological treatment, burning, etc.);
- Designing a sanitary landfill;
- Municipal solid waste;
- Hazardous waste;
- Analysis of waste selection and recycling;
- Special waste streams;
- A simulation of siting a sanitary landfill;
- Special features of waste management plans
- Colloquium
- The contents presented in lectures will be elaborated on between 12th and 15th week.
Ilić M., Miletić S. (1998): Osnovi upravljanja čvrstim otpadom, Institut za ispitivanje materijala, Beograd;
Radojević R. (2000): Upravljanje kvalitetom i zaštitom životne sredine, DOPIS, Beograd;
Skupština grada Beograda (2005): Kvalitet životne sredine grada Beograda u 2004. godini, Sekretarijat za zaštitu životne sredine, Beograd;
Miloradov M., Marjanović P., Bogdanović S. (1995): Metodologija za izradu integralnog katastra zagađivača životne sredine, Agora, Beograd;
Republika Srbija (2005): Zakon o zaštiti životne sredine, Službeni glasnik republike Srbije, član koji se odnosi na komunalni otpad.
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