Urban Regulation Planning of Settlements (NOPP32O3)
- Level of study undergraduate studies
- Teacher:
Ph.D. Velimir Šećerov
Branko Protić
- Subject status: obligatory
- ECTS: 6
- Semester: VI
- Number of classes: 2+2
The subject will deal with the topic of urban planning of urban and rural settlements, with a reference to the experiences of Serbia and European countries. Special attention will be paid to the parameters and indicators of urban regulation. The tasks will include explaining the model of the regulatory plan, the methodology of its development, the involvement of actors, the analysis of the urban structure, and the implementation issues of the plan. Examples of cities from Serbia and Europe will explain the basic sense of settlement regulation, as well as the issues of legislation in this area. Rural settlements and planning of their construction area and district will be an integral part of this course.
The outcome of the course will be to train a student for using modern methods and techniques in urban planning, practical application of acquired knowledge on examples of regulatory plans for parts of urban settlements and villages, as well as understanding the relationships of all actors in the space and public participation in the process of making the plan.
Theoretical lectures
(1) Settlement regulation (city and village); (2) Types of Regulatory Plans; (3) The legal basis for the development of plans and the process of drafting; (4) Traffic infrastructure as a basis for the development of the city; (5) Korbiz's examples of city planning (6) The development strategy of Serbian cities-urban values and the level of regulation in them; (7) The center of the city-historical values and contemporary approach; (8) Urbanistic parameters; (9) Parcels and parcellation; (10) Urban planning; (11) Programming and construction of the city; (12) Public participation in the development of the plan; (13) The reconstruction of the city; (14) Reconstruction of the village; (15) A plan for the development of the village.
Practical lectures
Defining objectives and methods of drafting a regulatory plan; Practical work: Regulatory plan of a part of the settlement; landscaping (examples of village plans); parcellation plan (basic items); location and building permit; special purpose in regulatory plans.
Šećerov, V: Strateško planiranje grada, UB Geografski fakultet, Beograd, 2012.
Stojkov, B: Plan i sudbina grada, Građevinska knjiga, Beograd, 1992
Strategija razvoja i uređenja naselja u novim uslovima, UUS, 1998.
Regulacioni plan, urbanistički projekat i plan parcelacije, UUS, 1998.
Šećerov V., Krčum N.: Obim regulisanja namene zemljištai građenja u prostornim planovima opština-na primeru opštine Smederevo u Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine, APPS i GFUB, Beograd, 2005.
Šećerov V., Filipović D.: Ekomenadžment kao element razvoja grada Urbani menadžment, urbani marketing i preduzetništvo u funkciji (kvalitativnog) razvoja urbanih aglomeracija, UUS, Vrnjačka Banja, 2001.
Šećerov V.: Iskustva Austrije u obnovi sela i mogućnost njihove primene u Srbiji, u Zborniku radova sa Prvog kongresa srpskih geografa, SGD, Beograd, 2007.
Lokalna samouprava u planiranju i uređenju prostora i naselja, APPS, Beograd, 2001.
Regulacioni plan, urbanistički projekat i plan parcelacije, UUS, Beograd, 1998
Zakon o planiranju i izgradnji, Sl. Glasnik RS, br. 24/2011.
primeri PGR/PDR u Srbiji; primeri evropskih urbanističkih planova
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