Urban Environment (13OZS21O5)

  • Level of study undergraduate studies
  • Teacher: Ph.D. Ivan Novković
  • Subject status: obligatory
  • ECTS: 6
  • Semester: III
  • Number of classes: 2+1

The main goal of the course is to get acquainted with the ecological problems of modern cities. In addition to studying the existing problems of the urban environment, the objective of the course is to forecast possible changes, as well as a proposal for measures to optimize the ecological aspect of life in the city.

Ability to apply practical knowledge in the field of urban ecology.

Theoretical lectures

  1. Historical development of the environmental state of the cities: The ancient cities and natural environment. The environment of the medieval cities. The environment of the cities of the New Century.
  2. Urban planning and importance of urban planning for the environment: Urban landscape. Organization of the urban structure as a factor of the quality of the environment. Functional organization of the city territory. Urban altitude constitution. The location of public institutions in the city.
  3. City greenery: Protective role of greenery. The health, aesthetic and emotional-psychological role of city greenery. The typification and layout of greenery in the city. Park Phytocenology. Ecological norms and principles of spatial composition of greenery in the city.
  4. Geographical factors of the genesisand development of cities: Location and geographical position as a factor of the city's development. Geological substrate, soil, relief, climate, water and water resources as factors of development of the city. Socioeconomic factors of the genesisand development of the city.
  5. The influence of the city on changes in the natural environment: The influence of the city on changes in the geological environment, relief and water properties of the territory; The influence of the city on changes in the air, microclimate and mesoclimate; The influence of the construction and functioning of the city on the soil and the wildlife.
  6. The influence of the city on changes in the energy situation: Acoustic pollution of the city environment, thermal pollution, pollution by ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.
  7. Housing and streets as the environment of people: Parameters of quality of housing environment. Street network. The importance of the orientation and the width of the streets for the microclimate in the city. Streets and pollution of the environment in the city.
  8. Infrastructure systems and the environment of the city: Traffic systems and the environment of the city - the impact of road, rail and air traffic on the environment of the city.
  9. Water infrastructure and environment of the city: Infrastructure of the water supply system; sewerage infrastructure and wastewater treatment systems; systems for protection against excess water and flood protection systems.
  10. Energy and information infrastructure and the environment of the city: Energy infrastructure and environment of the city. Information infrastructure and environment of the city.
  11. The city's economy and environment of the city: Thermal energy and the environment of the city; Pollution of the environment as a result of individual, housing energy ensuring; Influence of thermal power plants and district heating facilities on the environment. Oil refineries and petrochemical industry and their impact on the environment of the city.
  12. Industrial processes and the environment of the city 1: Metallurgical processes and the environment of the city. Metalworking and machine industry and their impact on the environment of the city. The impact of the chemical industry on the environment of the city.
  13. Industrial processes and the environment of the city 2: Textile industry and the environment of the city. Food industry and environment of the city. Industry of construction materials and the environment of the city. The impact of the wood industry and the cellulosic industry on the environment of the city.
  14. Cleaning and beautification of urban areas: Municipal supplies and services as factors of environmental quality of the city.Cleaning the city's public spaces.
  15. Municipal waste treatment: Municipal waste treatment methods. Waste management and organization of city cleanliness services.

Practical lectures

Terminology of urban ecology; Urban environmental quality - potentials and limitations; Sources of air pollution in the city environment; Emissions from different sources of pollution on examples of certain cities; Basic properties of pollutants in the urban environment; Determination of the number and distribution of measuring points for measuring the concentration of pollutants in the urban environment; Graphic presentation of pollutant concentration on the example of Belgrade; Traffic as a source of urban pollution; Analysis of pollution at the busy urban intersection; Noise as a form of energy pollution of the urban environment - sources, consequences and protection; Sources of pollution of water in the city environment; Quality of surface and groundwater; Soil and the environment of the city - anthropopression, various forms of pollution and devastation; Forms of organized and non-organized waste disposal; Importance of introducing recycling; Colloquium: City greenery - concept, types, functions, ecological norms and principles of spatial composition of greenery in the city; Organization of the urban structure - functional organization of the city territory, altitude constitution of cities and arrangement of public institutions in the city. Presentation of seminar papers by students.

Lješević M. (2005): Urbana ekologija, Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Beograd

Marinović-Uzelac A. (1989): Urbano planiranje i ekologija, Školska knjiga, Zagreb

Đuković J., Bojanić V. (2000): Aerozagađenje – pojam, stanje, izvori, kontrola i tehnološka rješenja, D. P. Institut zaštite i ekologije, Banja Luka

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