Urban Ecology (NOPP22I3)

  • Level of study undergraduate studies
  • Teacher: Ph.D. Miško Milanović
  • Subject status: elective
  • ECTS: 4
  • Semester: IV
  • Number of classes: 2+1

Environmental protection at the level of the city.

Getting to know the problems of ecology at a cities. Creating plans of environment protection.


1. Cities planning and importance of planning for the environment;
2. Ecological aspect of city planning, ecological zone of the city;
3. Urban landscape and protection of natural areas in the city;
4. The influence of the city on changes in the natural environment conditions;
5. The influence of the city on changes in the quality of the elements of the environment – air pollution, pollution of water and soil, problem of noise, etc;
6. Vegetation of the city. Ecological norms and principles at spatial composition of greenery;
7. Traffic systems and the environment of the city.
8. City economy and environment of the city;
9. Energy and environment of the city;
10. The problem of municipal waste and environmental protection;
11. Procedures of monitoring pollutants and measuring pollutants;
12. Problems at planning and project documentation of the cities;
13. Environmental management in cities;
14. Health of the city’s population;
15. International programs and sustainability projects of the city.

Practical lectures

1. Quality of the environment - potentials and restrictions;
2. Sources of the air pollution;
3. Emissions from different sources of pollution;
4. The method of determining the number and arrangement of measuring emission points;
5. Graphical presentation of emission limit values – Example of Belgrade;
6. Traffic as a source of urban pollution;
7. Analysis of pollution at traffic city intersections;
8. Noise as a form of energy pollution at urban areas;
9. Sources of water pollution at urban areas;
10. Quality of surface and groundwater at urban areas;
11. Land and the environment of the city;
12. Procedures of monitoring and auditing pollutants in cities;
13. Cadastre of pollutants at urban areas;
14. Procedures for numeration of pollutants at urban areas;
15. Waste management (problems of waste, waste management strategy, landfill)

Вуруна М., Љешевић М., Бакрач С., Милановић М. (2012): Заштита животне средине, Министарство одбране, Војна академија, Медија центар „Одбрана”, Београд.

Љешевић М (2002): Урбана екологија, Географски факултет Универзитета у Београду, Београд.

Група аутора (2000): Два града, ИАУС, Београд.

Marinović-Uzelac A. (1989): Urbano planiranje i ekologija, Školska knjiga, Zagreb.

Група аутора (2004): Еколошки проблеми градова, ECOLOGICA, Београд 2004.

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