Urban and Rural Renewal (NOPP32I1)
- Level of study undergraduate studies
- Teacher:
Ph.D. Marija Jeftić
- Subject status: elective
- ECTS: 5
- Semester: VI
- Number of classes: 2+2
The objective of this course is to define and clarify basic concepts and development of the city and rural settlements` renewal idea, as well as to present the current practice and principles in Europe and Serbia. The idea of the village and city renewal will be elaborated from a point of view of a complex approach that will include social, economic and physical elements that determine the way and the quality of the settlements` renewal. The village renewal will be especially examined from the point of view of current practice in the countries in transition, and especially from the point of view of the development strategy of the Republic of Serbia. The city renewal will be explained in the form of diverse approaches and depending on the economic, ecological and cultural matrix of certain parts of the city, that is, the specific situations on which the approach to the reconstruction of the city depends. The city of Belgrade will be one of the most important models on which these principles will be explained.
The outcome of this course will be the student's cognition of the importance of the towns and villages renewal, as well as the use of the principles of renewal in the practice of spatial and urban planning.
Theoretical lectures
(1)The concept of the city and village renewal; (2) the development of the city renewal idea; (3) different forms of urban renewal; restoration of the villages in new conditions; (4) European principles for the towns and villages renewal; (5) restoration as a form of the city renewal; (6-7) revitalization and rehabilitation as the forms of city renewal; (8-9) adaptation and rehabilitation as the forms of city renewal; (10) reconstruction of the physical structure of the city; (11) the socio-cultural aspect of urban and rural renewal; (12) the economic aspect of urban and rural renewal; (13) the ecological aspect of the reconstruction of city and village renewal; (14-15) city renewal as a strategic principle of the development of Serbia
Practical lectures
A detailed example of various types of the city and village renewal; getting acquainted with the segment of the city and village renewal in spatial and urban plans; working on concrete study case of Belgrade urban part renewal
Стојков, Б: План и судбина града, Грађевинска књига, Београд, 1992.;
Стојков, Б.: Урбографија, ИАУС, Београд, 1997.;
Стојков, Б.: Обнова градова у Србији и Русији, ИАУС, 2000.;
Симоновић Ђ., Рибар М.: Уређење сеоских територија и насеља;
Максимовић Б.: Обнова градова Србије у 19. и 20. веку;
Стратегије просторног развоја Европе (ESDP, VISION PLANET, ESTIA,…); Steinbach Way, Аустрија, 2004.;
Шећеров В.: Обнова села у просторним плановима општина – пример ППО Суботица”, Гласнику СГД 2, 2007.;
Шећеров В.: Искуства Аустрије у обнови села и могућност њихове примене у Србији, у Зборнику радова са Првог конгреса српских географа, СГД, Београд, 2007.
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