Urban and Rural Geography 2 (NOD32O3)
- Level of study undergraduate studies
- Teacher:
Ph.D. Dragica Gatarić
- Subject status: obligatory
- ECTS: 5
- Semester: VI
- Number of classes: 2+1
Introducing students to the practical application of theoretically acquired knowledge in the field of urban geography; Acquiring knowledge about urban settlements with all their relevant features; Explanation and understanding of the rules of development and distribution of urban settlements. Study and interpretationof the perspective trends in the development of the network of urban settlements and urban systems.
Development of students’ skills necessary for active participation in the consideration of urban development issues andthe basic processes that shape modern cities. Linking the most important socio-economic and technological factors that influence the genesis and transformation of urban settlements and urban systems. Understanding of the basic planning and demographic control of city development: determining land use, zoning, etc.
Theoretical lectures
Subject and tasks of urban geography. The geographical notion of a city, the concept and development of cities in the world. Methods of urban geography. Urbanization as a process of spatial distribution of population and human activities. Functions of a city and functional classification of cities. Theories and models in explaining the spatial structure of a city. Spatial structure of a city: functional-spatial, population and morphological structure. Convergent and divergent daily migrations of urban population. Social topography of a city. City and its surroundings. Urban gravitational areals and spheres. The notion of central cities and central functions. A network of central settlements. A network and systems of human settlements. Main determinants and main features of a network and settlement systems in some European countries. The concept and features of urban systems in the world. Types of city regions.
Practical lectures
Instructions for the study of urban settlements. Directory of settlements and names of parts of urban settlements. Determination of the micro, meso and macro position and economic-geographical and political-geographical position of urban settlements. Determination of land purpose and zoning. Analysis of planning documentation and determination of homogeneous and heterogeneous cities. Distinction of urbanization types in Serbia. Population density and population distribution in a city: Clark’s and Medvedkov’s models, etc. Functional classification of cities in Serbia. Determining the hierarchy of centres in space. Distinction and cartographic presentation of convergent and divergent daily urban systems and influential spheres of larger cities in Serbia.
Srboljub Đ. Stamenković, Milan Bačević: Geografija naselja, Univerzitetski udžbenik, Geografski fakultet PMF Univerziteta u Beogradu, Beograd, 1992.
Slobodan Ćurčić: Geografija naselja, PMF, Institut za geografiju, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Novi Sad, 1992.
Milan Vresk: Osnove urbane geografije, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1990.
Milan Vresk: Grad i urbanizacija, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2002.
Luis Mamford: Grad u istoriji, Book&Marso, Beograd, 2006.
Geografska enciklopedija naselja Srbije, knj. I (A – Đ), II (Ž – Lj), III (M – R) i IV (S – Š), Geografski fakultet, Agena, Stručna knjiga i Srbosoft, Beograd, 2001, 2002. (štampano izdanje) i 2004. (elektronsko izdanje).
Geografska enciklopedija naselja Srbije – Vojvodina, knj. I, Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Beograd, 2005.
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