Trends in Cultural Tourism (NMT1I5)
- Level of study master academic studies
- Teacher:
Ph.D. Sanja Pavlović
- Subject status: elective
- ECTS: 7
- Semester: I
- Number of classes: 3
Further growth of cultural tourism and diversification of demand is projected. The increase of tourists ''sensitivity'' to issues that connect travel and the local community will contribute to strengthening the "responsibility" in the offer of cultural tourism products. The main goal of this course is to explain the essence, assess the possibilities and formulate the principles of the global concept for modeling and trends in cultural tourism. The achievement of this goal is realized through: analysis of characteristic lines of trends in cultural tourism, the determination of market entities of cultural tourism, strategic and project documentation in the field of cultural tourism.
Acquiring the necessary knowledge for analyzing economic, social and cultural benefits from the development of cultural tourism; building competencies for assessing the possibilities of developing cultural tourism in Serbia, modeling of cultural tourism depending on the level of management and formulation of priority directions of cultural tourism development.
Theoretical lectures
Global trends, new trends and current trends in cultural tourism. Trends in cultural tourism in Europe. Marketplace of cultural tourism. Creative and hobby tourism. Cultural routes and landscapes. European Capital of Culture as a support to the development of cultural tourism. Authenticity and tourism. Local community and tourism (CBT tourism). Interculturalism, multiculturalism and tourism. Cultural tourism and film industry. Strategies for the development of cultural tourism - examples of good practice. Projects in the field of cultural tourism. Research topics in cultural tourism. Sustainability and integration of cultural tourism. The importance of international organizations for the development of cultural tourism.
Practical lectures
Study research Connections of cultural tourism with the social environment; Visit to selected tourist organizations; Creating a model of cultural tourism in Serbia on examples of specific tourist sites and areas; Preparation and presentation of a tourist visit motivated by cultural needs, on a concrete case.
Хаџић О. и други (2005). Културни туризам. Нови Сад: Универзитет у Новом Саду, ПМФ, Департман за географију, туризам и хотелијерство.
Timothy, DJ. and Boyd, S.W. (2006). “Heritage tourism in the 21st century: Valued traditions and new perspectives’. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 1: 1-16.
Strategija razvoja kulturnog turizma: Od turizma i kulture do kulturnog turizma (2003). Zagreb: Institut za turizam.
Kim, H., Cheng, C., O’Learyb, Ј. (2007). Understanding participation patterns and trends in tourism cultural attractions. Tourism Management, Volume 28, Issue 5, pp. 1366–1371
Trends and Issues in Global Tourism 2011. Edited by Roland Conrady and Martin Buck. Verlag Berlin Heidelberg: Springer
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