Transit Tourism (NMT1I7)

  • Level of study master academic studies
  • Teacher: Ph.D. Ivan Ratkaj
  • Subject status: elective
  • ECTS: 7
  • Semester: I
  • Number of classes: 3

To elaborate the role of transit tourism in the overall tourist activity, as well as the relations between the gravitation range, infrastructural equipment and the touristic offer of transit routes.

Students should enhance geographical logic and to understanding of the genesis and development of transit tourist flows in Serbia and the world.

Theoretical lectures

1) Definition, typology and specificity of transit tourism. 2) Basic characteristics of transport in the function of development of transit tourism. 3) Significance of the geographical position for the development of transit tourism. 4) Theoretical models of optimization of transport costs in transit tourism. 5) Quantitative methods for defining transit tourist zone. 6) Methodology of quantifying travel index, transport dispersion index, accessibility index and pi-index. 7) Linear and spatial-temporal types of transport accessibility of transit points. 8) The notion and definition of a circular journey in the function of a tourist itinerary. 9) The concept of the global city and definition of the spatial determinant of gate-cities in transit tourism. 10) Relations between the main transport nodes in transit tourist zones. 11) Infrastructural equipment of transport corridors and transit tourism. 12) Transport terminals as the basis for the development of transit tourism. 13) Interdependence of transit tourism and economic development of European countries. 14) Anticipation and scientific concretization of the graph theory in the studies of transit tourist movements. 15) Absolute and relative models of transit transport networks: models of connectivity, model of the shortest paths, models of transport flows and models of accessibility.

Štetić, S. (2003). Saobraćaj u turizmu. Beograd.

Đukić, A. (2001). Prometna geografija – geoprometne odrednice globalizacije u prometu i turizmu. Dubrovnik: Veleučilište u Dubrovniku.

Page, S.J. (2009). Transport and Tourism: Global Perspectives, third edition. Harlow: Pearson Education.

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