Tourist Dispersion and Settlements (NOT21I2)

  • Level of study undergraduate studies
  • Teacher: Ph.D. Dragica Gatarić
  • Subject status: elective
  • ECTS: 5
  • Semester: III
  • Number of classes: 2+1

Classification, systematization and generalization of the precisely formulated scientific knowledge of human settlements as vital features of geographic space and tourism business. Understanding of the importance of tourism in the overall economic development and the spatial-functional organization of Serbia.

Educating students to be able to work in different types of tourist settlements and improvement of the quality of their organization and functioning, while simultaneously developing an active and constructive approach to European standards and guidelines regarding toursim and organization of national tourist settlements, etc.

Theoretical lectures

  1. Emergence and development. In­te­gra­tional and disintegrational trends in development of a geographic aspect of the study of settlements.
  2. The notion and fundamental types of human settlements. Re­le­vant ge­o­graphic features of settlements: name, boundaries (ad­mi­ni­stra­tive or planned, for­mal­and fun­cti­o­nal), area (continuous and discontinuous), form, population, functions, gravitational convergenceand direction, networks and settlement systems, spatial-functional relations and connections, etc.
  3. Settlements and contemporary socio-economic processes.
  4. Introduction to tourism study of settlements.
  5. Re­le­vant tourism features of settlements. Settlements as elements of tourism market. Ge­ospatial effec­tsof tourism development. Various scientific aspects of studying tourism dispersives and settlements.
  6. Other types of settlements and toursim.– Types and tourism importance of temporary (seasonal) settlements. Tourist camps.
  7. Holiday settlements.
  8. Summer tourist settlements (popular or unregulated or seasonal such as spas, etc.).
  9. Spa settlements. The notion of a spa settlement and spas. Groups of spa settlements and spas in the settlement network of Serbia.
  10. Typology of tourist settlements.
  11. Fun­ctional ty­po­lo­gy of tourist settlements. Statistical typology of tourist settlements.
  12. Classification of rural settlements as key factors in development of rural tourism.
  13. Cities as centres of tourism demand. Effects of tourism business in cities. Typology of urban tourism settlements.
  14. Big cities – cen­tresof the most frequent tourism flow. European cities. Mediterranean cities.Tourism me­tro­po­lises of America. Cities in Africa, Asiaand Austra­lia.

 Practical lectures

Determination of the types of permanent settlements through the use of statistical and informational basis andcorresponding maps (ge­o­graphic, ad­mi­ni­stra­tive-te­rri­to­rial, etc.).
Understanding of the position of tourism settlements within a settlement network of Ser­bia. Selection, analysis and application of criteria used in the settlement typology (rural, urban and tourist). Processing of criteria used in statistical classification of tourist settlements (arrivals and overnight stays of national and international guests).
Creation of cartographic and graphic illustrations of tourist settlements.
Analysis of tourist settlements in different plans (ur­ba­n, spatial, etc.), with special emphasis on the key actors in the development of rural, urban and eco-tourism in Serbia.
Collection and processing of the scientific-informational basis on tourist settlements.
Topic selection and provision of guidelines for term papers.

1) Do­bri­ca Jo­vi­čić: Me­nadž­ment tu­ri­stič­kih de­sti­na­ci­ja, Pred­u­ze­će za že­le­znič­ku iz­da­vač­ko-no­vin­sku de­lat­nost d.o.o., Be­o­grad, 2002.
2) Mi­o­mir S. Na­u­mo­vić: Na­se­lja kao ogle­da­lo dru­štva, Gra­di­na, Niš, 1996.
3) Sr­bo­ljub Đ. Sta­men­ko­vić, Mi­lan Ba­če­vić: Ge­o­gra­fi­ja na­se­lja, Uni­ver­zi­tet­ski udž­be­nik, Ge­o­graf­ski fa­kul­tet PMF Uni­ver­zi­te­ta u Be­o­gra­du, Be­o­grad, 1992.
4) Slo­bo­dan Če­ro­vić: Stra­te­gij­ski me­nadž­ment tu­ri­stič­ke pri­vre­de Sr­bi­je, Pred­u­ze­će za že­le­znič­ku iz­da­vač­ko-no­vin­sku de­lat­nost d.o.o., Be­o­grad, 2002.
5) Sto najlepših gradova sveta, Mladinska knjiga, Beograd, 2008.
7) Strategija razvoja turizma Republike Srbije, 2006.

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