Tourism Geography of Serbia (NOT32O2)
- Level of study undergraduate studies
- Teacher:
Ph.D. Sanja Pavlović
Ph.D. Marko Joksimović
- Subject status: obligatory
- ECTS: 5
- Semester: VI
- Number of classes: 2+2
Introduction to students with the basics of tourist geography of Serbia. By solving the problems and issues relevant to the planning and management of tourism in Serbia, students will look at the basic natural and anthropogenic tourist resources, the basics of tourist transport, material base, tourist regionalization, priorities and perspectives of tourism development. It is especially important that students will recognize and master the most important directions of tourist flows in Serbia.
Acquiring competencies for basic knowledge and understanding of the tourist area of Serbia. Acquiring the ability to solve concrete problems using scientific methods and procedures, linking basic knowledge from different areas of socio-cultural, economic and spatial impacts and consequences of tourism development in Serbia.
Theoretical lectures
Geographical position, boundaries and border crossings. Importance of traffic corridors and main directions of tourist movements in Europe for tourism in Serbia. Tourist values of Serbia: division, hierarchy, examples. Caves and springs - independent tourist values. River as examples of complex tourist values. Climate in the function of tourism development of Serbia. The material base of tourism. Volume and structure of tourist traffic. The role of tourism in social and economic development. More important motive forms of traffic. Tourist regions in Serbia. Perspectives of tourism development. The position of Serbia in the development of tourism in the Balkan Peninsula. Tourist destinations in Central Serbia. Tourist destinations in Vojvodina, Kosovo and Metohija.
Practical lectures
Individual work on the analysis of case studies from international and domestic practice.
Станковић С. (2012). Туристичке дестинације – путовањем до знања. Завод за уџбенике, Београд.
Јовичић Д. (2009). Туристичка географија Србије. Универзитет у Београду – Географски факултет.
Станковић С. (2002). Туризам Србије. Српско географско друштво, Београд.
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