Tourism and Nature Conservation (NOT31O3)

Presenting knowledge about the functional complexity of modern tourism system, and the place of the environment in that system; Introducing students to interrelationship between tourism and environmental protection, and to importance of environmental factors for successful and long-term tourism development; Conducting an analysis of the positive effects of tourism on the environment, as a key factor of transformation and refinement of the geographical space.

Training students to understand key issues, and the legitimacy of the interrelationship between tourism and environment; Adopting knowledge about the importance of environmental protection for stable and long-term tourism development, with special emphasis on the measures for protection of tourist space; Building competencies of students for adequate evaluation of environmental factors in decision making on tourism development projects.

The concept and principles of ecology; 2. Concept and characteristics of the environment; 3. Society's relation to the environment; 4. Global issues of environmental protection; 5. Elements, objectives and tools of environmental policy; 6. Environmental policy in Serbia and the EU; 7. Interaction between tourism and the environment; 8. The impacts of tourism on environment; 9. Instruments and measures for harmonizing tourism development and environmental protection; 10. Carrying capacity of tourism destinations; 11. The importance of environment for sustainable development of tourism; 12. Tourist values ​​of national parks; 13. National parks in USA; 14. National parks in Europe; 15. The concept and importance of eco-management.

Dobrica Jovičić (2010): Turizam i životna sredina, TON-plus, Beograd;

Dobrica Jovicic (2013): „Key issues in the implementation of sustainable tourism“, Current Issues in Tourism, DOI:10.1080/13683500.2013.797386

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