Tourism and International Economic Trends (NOT42O1)

  • Level of study undergraduate studies
  • Teacher: Ph.D. Dobrica Jovičić
  • Subject status: obligatory
  • ECTS: 4
  • Semester: VIII
  • Number of classes: 2+2

The objective of the course is to explain: interconnections and relations between tourism and world economic flows, the role of tourism in international trade in goods and services, and considerkey economic activities having the greatest importance for creating a tourist supply.

By acquiring knowledge, students are trained to understand the importance and place of tourism in the international economy, as well as the role and specificity of key activities forming the basis for tourism business and creation various forms of tourist supply.Acquired knowledge is an essential prerequisite for successful performance of various activities related to the theory and practice of tourism development.

Theoretical lectures

Economic processes and their circular flow. 2. Economic, socio-economic and sustainable development. 3 Contemporary trends in tourism development. 4. Tourism system and tourist market. 5. Economic effects of tourism. 6. Structure of tourism as an economic activity 7. Interdependence of tourism and economic development 8. Tourism as an inter-branch sector of economy. 9. Tourism and international business. 10. The concept and models of international business in the service sector. 11. The importance of multinational tourism companies. 12. Direct, indirect and multiplicative effects of tourism. 13. The global impact of tourism on the economy. 14. The Tourism Satellite Account. 15. Ecological and energy challenges of future tourism development.

Dobrica Jovičić (2017): Turizam i međunarodni privredni tokovi (skripta). Geografski fakultet. Beograd.

Cooper, C., & Hall, M. (2008): Contemporary Tourism: An International Approach. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.

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