Theory of Regional Geography (2013D11I3)

Adoption and systematization of knowledge on theory, scientific concepts and approaches in regional geography. Enable PhD students to master the methodology of regional geography and to independently study regional geographic problems and solve them.

Based on the acquired knowledge, PhD students can deal with the regionalization of territory, studying and perceiving the processes and phenomena that affect regional development. In addition, they will be able to determine the directions of regional development, which will contribute to the application of regional geography in solving social problems and the overall development of the country.

Theoretical lectures

The definition of region; Scientic paradigms and approaches in regional geography of Serbia; Scientific paradigms and approaches in regional geography in former Yugoslavia and in the world.

Scientific tasks of regional geography; Social goals of regional geography; Methods and principles of regional geography and its relations with other scientific disciplines; The imperative of synthesis in regional geography; The problems of regionalization; The types of regions; Regionalization and regional development; Region as a  dynamic category; Differentiation of urban and rural region; Systemic approach in regional geography; The planning of spatial structure and regional development in modern socio-economic processes; Regionalization as a factor of internal organization of Serbia.

  1. Clavel P. (1998). An introduction to Regional Geography. Oxford.
  2. Pavlović, M. (1998). Razvoj regionalne geografije na Geografskom fakultetu u beogradu. Glasnik SGD, Belgrade.
  3. Pavlović, M. et al. (2006). Regionalni pristup i tipovi regionalne diferencijacije teritorije. Zbornik radova Geografskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, 54.
  4. Radovanović, M. (1993). Regionalizam kao pristup i princip i regionalizacija kao postupak u funkcionalnoj organizaciji geografskog prostora. Zbornik radova Geografskog instituta Jovan Cvijić, 44.
  5. Vasović, M. (1997). Regija i regionalizacija u geografiji. Geografska struktura i regionalizacija Srbije, Geografski institut Jovan Cvijić, SANU, Belgrade.
  6. Šabić, D., Pavlović, M., Vujadinović, S. and Milinčić, M. (2010). Globalni i regionalni aspekti razvoja Srbije i Balkana – događaji iz prošlosti kao poruka za budućnost. Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva, 90 (1), 159 – 177.
  7. Tošić, D. (2012). Principi regionalizacije. University of Belgrade – Faculty of Geography.
  8. Stepić, M. (2002). Regionalizacija u funkciji unutrašnje organizacije Srbije. Zbornik Matice srpske za društvene nauke, 112-113, 127 – 147.
  9. Vasović, M. (1971). Regionalna geografija kao karakteristične regije na Zemljinoj površini. BIGZ, Belgrade.

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