Theory of Environmental and Geospatial Science (2013D11I6)

Understanding the importance of the environment and GIS in geographic research and in the formation of a complete geographic personality.

Through conducting a research in the field of evaluation of the area, the students of the PhD will be referred to the relevant methods and proceduresin order to master the management of landscapes of a different hierarchical rank.

Theoretical lectures

1. Development of comprehension and findings in the field of the environment
Historical development and civilization concepts of the environment. A review of the industrial revolution and the first intense environmental degradation.
2.Theoretical and methodological settings in the field of the environment
Theoretical approaches to environmental problems. Methodology of environmental researches.
3. The gnoseological fundamentals of environmental science
Forming an opinion on the relationship between the man and the environment. Environment and ethics, environment and philosophy.
4. Ecological crisis
The concept, causes and consequences of the ecological crisis and the possibility of solving.
5. Geoecological researches and planetary geoecological problems
The significance of geoecological studies of landscapes of a different hierarchical rank. Geoecological problems of climate heating and forest fires, occurrence, causes and consequences.
6. Landscape and geoecology. Hierarchical levels of landscapes
Landscape as a subject of a geoecological research. Definitions and hierarchical levels of landscapes. Typology and taxonomy of regions. The vertical and horizontal dimension of a landscape. Three-dimensional ecological representation andTrolls concepts in geoecology.
7.Geoecological methods for evaluating a landscape
Landep method, evaluation and methods of recreation index, method of "diversity" (V-Wert Methode).
9. Landschaft - the structural level of the geographical coverage
The concept and the content of the landshaft. Development of the landschaft science. Directions of the landschaft science. A geocomponent, geospheric and geosystem level.
10. Taxonomic system of units of the landschaftrejoning
Component and complex rajoning. Zonal structures. Classification of geographical units. Taxonomic units and ranks in landschaftology.
11. Significance of the ISO standards and the certification methodology from the domain ISO 140001
Planetary standards and their significance in practice. Terminological harmonization in the field of environment.
12. Management of geospatial elements of the environment based on GIS
Management of geospatial elements of the environment based on GIS, through GIS tools.
13. GIS in the environment
The significance, links and the use of GIS in environmental researches. Development of projects and programs for the protection of geospatial resources based on GIS.
14.Modeling elements of the environment by GIS softwares
Modeling of physical-geographic and socioeconomic elements of the environment by GIS softwares.
15. Methodology of preparation of seminary works on a specific topic (within the above mentioned).

  1. Lješević M. (2001): Zaštita prirode i održivi razvoj – premise i kontraverze, Zaštita prirode br. 52/2, Beograd.
  2. Lovett A., Appleton K. (2008): GIS for Environmental Decision – Making, CRC Press, Boca Raton, London, New York.
  3. Pecelj MR (2011): Geoekologija – metodološko-teorijska postavka, Treći Kongres srpskih geografa, Univerzitet u Beogradu Geografski fakultet, Univerzitet u Banja Luci, PMF, Banja Luka, str. 119-129.
  4. Pecelj M. (2011): Mogućnost primene geoekologije u prostornom planiranju, Asocijacije prostornih planera Srbije, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Geografski fakultet, Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine, Beograd, str. 401-406.
  5. Đukanović M. (1996): „Životna sredina i održivi razvoj”, Elit, Beograd.
  6. Casio J., Woodside G., Mitchell Ph. (1996): ISO 14 000), The New International Environment anagement Standards,1-220.

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