Theory of Cartography (2013D11I4)

The goal of cartography is to show all the concepts of the cartography theoretical basics and new concepts and categories such as cartography, meta-cartography, icon symbology, etc. In the past decades of cartographic science, the issue of cartography objects identification and methods is still an open issue. Although an old activity, cartography still hasn’t determined itself theoretically in an unique way, so that one concept is accepted. The beginning of the cartographic theory is found in the ancient understanding of geography as a linear and sign projection of then known parts of the Earth. The objective of Cartography Theory is to point out that cartographic theory has evolved partially, such as the theory of individual parts of the map-cartographic projection, cartographic network, relief presentation, etc. Later, new concepts that emerge, increase the subject of cartography from the technological-production level to a higher, theoretical and methodological level. The aim of The Cartography Theory is to point out that its basic problems are still being solved: the system of cartographic knowledge and self-knowledge, theory of concepts and conceptualization in geographical science and profession, theory and methods of geographical and cartographic classification, theory of geographic and cartographic knowledge, cartographic activity theory, the theory of cartographic strategies, resources and criteria for the effectiveness of cartographic work. Particular theoretical problem is to determine the position of cartography in the system of science. Contemporary theoretical approaches indicate that cartography is a special science, a sub-discipline of geographical sciences, interdisciplinary in the system of space sciences, a relatively independent system of knowledge, teaching, research and professional work.

The objective of the course is to contribute to the understanding of a cartographic system in theory and in practice which has a wide application in practice.

Theoretical lectures

1. Theoretical basis of cartography
2. Primary aspect of cartography study
3. Theoretical aspect of cartography
4. The philosophical basics of cartography
5. Theory of meaning in cartography
6. Position of cartography in the system of science
7. Attribute of cartography specificity
8. Attributes of science in cartography
9. Bipolarity of cartography
10. Virtual cartography
11. Theoretical processes in cartography
12. Cartographic method
13. Theory of concepts and conceptualizations in geographical science
14. Theory and methods of geographical and cartographic classification

Comparison of concepts in cartography

  1. Živković D., Jovanović J., Valjarević A. (2012): Multiparalelizam u kartografiji. Zbornik radova sa Međunarodnog naučnog skupa „Problemi i izazovi savremene geografske nauke  nastave“, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Geografski fakultet, str.177-181.;
  2. Živković D.,Jovanović J. (2010): Mesto kartografije u GIS-u i drugim prostornim sistemima, Zbornik radova sa međunarodnog naučnog skupa „Teritorijalni aspekti razvoja Srbije i susednih zemalja“, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Geografski fakultet, Beograd,str. 601-609.;
  3. Živković, D. i Jovanović, J. (2010). Mesto kartografije u GIS-u i drugim prostornim sistemima. Zbornik radova sa Međunarodnog naučnog skupa ”Teritorijalni aspekti razvoja Srbije i susednih zemalja”. Divčibare, 29 i 30. oktobar 2009. Beograd: Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet. str. 537-541.;
  4. Regotić, M. (2008). Daljinska detekcija kao metod prikupljanja podataka o prostoru. Beograd: Vojnotehnički glasnik. br.1. str. 91-112.;
  5. Frangeš: S.Frangeš, Zahtjevi postavljeni suvremenoj kartografskoj vizuelizaciji, Kartografija i geoinformatika, Vol.6, No.izv/spec.lipanj 2007.;
  6. Ikonović Vesna, Živković Dragica (2008): Metodološko-kartografski algoritam, Glasnik srpskog geogtrafskog društva, sveska LXXXVIII, broj 3, Beograd, str. 11-24.

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