Teaching Strategies in Geography Research (NMG2O1)
- Level of study master academic studies
- Teacher:
Ph.D. Slavoljub Jovanović
- Subject status: obligatory
- ECTS: 8
- Semester: II
- Number of classes: 4
At the course, students should acquire competences for performing a teaching call such as: proper choice of methods and forms of work according to the concrete situation, knowledge and experience in order to achieve the set goals and outcomes of the class, as well as the competences for applying specific strategies of learning and teaching.
Students are able to apply the principles of systematic and thematic planning of the teaching process; Students are able to make a relevant choice of teaching strategies in accordance with the goal, outcome, content, characteristics of students, working conditions and other factors of the teaching process; Students are able to apply specific teaching strategies in practice.
Theoretical lectures
1. Systematic and thematic planning in geography teaching; 2. Interdisciplinary approach in geography teaching; 3. Brophy's principles of effective teaching; 4. Development of positive motivational beliefs of students in geography teaching; 5. Teaching and learning strategies in geography teaching; 6. Strategy of experiencing and expressing the experienced in geography teaching; 7. Training strategies in geography teaching; 8. Creation strategies in geography teaching; 9. Strategies based on research in geography teaching; 10. Identifying, defining and solving problems in geographical environment; 11. Integrative geography teaching; 12. Ambientalgeography teaching; 13. Whole class work strategies; 14. Small groupswork strategies; 15. Strategies for individual work.
Jensen, E. (2003). Super nastava: nastavne strategije za kvalitetnu školu i uspešno učenje. Zagreb: Educa.; Marzano, R. J., Pickering, D. J., Pollock, D. J. (2006). Nastavne strategije: kako primeniti devet najuspešnijih nastavnih strategija. Zagreb: Educa. ; Dryden, G., Vos, J. (2004). Revolucija u učenju, Timgraf, Beograd.; Meyer, H. (2002). Didaktika, Educa, Zagreb.; Matijević, M., Radovanović, D.(2011.): Nastava usmjerena na učenika, Školske novine Zagreb; Terhart, E. (2001.): Metode poučavanja i učenja, Educa, Zagreb.; Брофи Џ., (2004): Настава, Педагошко друштво Србије, Београд.; Бекер (2005): Мотивација, педагошко друштво Србије, Београд.
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