Strategic Urban Planning (NOPP31O5)

The objective of the course is to show the principles of general planning of urban settlements, ie local communities, as well as the issue of planning the development and arrangement of villages in correlation with the city. The tasks will include issues of the methodology of drafting the general urban plan, its content and basic structure in the analysis and synthesis section, as well as the implementation issues of the plan. The relationship between spatial and strategic urban plans for settlements, the relation of city centers and their functional area, the relation between the city and the region, as well as the relation of planning the entire territory of the settlement to their parts (GUP-RP) will also be considered.

The outcome of the course will be to train a student for using modern methods and techniques in urban planning, practical application of acquired knowledge on examples of general plans and strategies for the development of cities in Serbia, as well as ways of linking hierarchically bound plans (higher and lower levels).

Theoretical lektures

(1) City and village - concept, relationship; (2) The legal basis for the preparation and adoption of urban plans; (3) The relationship between the general plan and the spatial plan of the municipality; (4) Historical development of cities and relation towards the environment (5) General plan and strategy of city development; (6) Analysis of the city structure and system; (7-9) Natural city systems; special values of the city; social systems of the city; cultural heritage of the city; economy of the city; economic subsystem of the city (economy, transport, communal infrastructure); (10) Urban land as a legal and economic category; (11) city institutions and city governance; (12) Environment and ecological zoning of the city; (13) European tendencies and city planning; (14) Implementation of the general plan; (15) Elements and subsystems of the city.

Practical lectures

SWOT analysis; way of defining goals and evaluating variants for GUP; way of defining the concept of the plan; the relationship between the city and its rural environment; defining the strategy and the basics of implementation; simulation of the GUP; defense of practical work.

Šećerov, V: Strateško planiranje grada, UB Geografski fakultet, Beograd, 2012.
Stojkov, B: Plan i sudbina grada, Građevinska knjiga, Beograd, 1992
Stojkov, B: Metode prostornog planiranja, Geografski fakultet, Beograd, 1999.
Stojkov, B. (ur.): Strategija razvoja i uređenja naselja u novim uslovima, UUS, 1998.
Strategije prostornog razvoja Evrope (ESDP, VISION PLANET, ESTIA,…)
Dva grada – perspektive razvoja Pančeva i Krasnodarska, IAUS, 2000.
Šećerov V., Krčum N.: Obim regulisanja namene zemljištai  građenja u prostornim planovima opština-na primeru opštine Smederevo u Planska i normativna zaštita prostora i životne sredine, APPS i GFUB, Beograd, 2005.
Šećerov V., Filipović D.: Ekomenadžment kao element razvoja grada Urbani menadžment, urbani marketing i preduzetništvo u funkciji (kvalitativnog) razvoja urbanih aglomeracija, UUS, Vrnjačka Banja, 2001.
DER DONAURAUM-Ecologisation on the Danube Region, IMP, Vienna, 2004.
Stojkov, B., Secerov, V: The Settlement Network of Serbia: From the Past to the Prospective u monografiji Development of the Settlement Network in the Central European Countries, Springer, Tamil Nadu, India, Chapter, 2011.
Zakon o planiranju i izgradnji, Sl. Glasnik RS, br. 24/2011.
primeri GUP  u Srbiji; primeri evropskih urbanističkih planova

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