Spatial Planning and Economic Development (NMPP1I4)
- Level of study master academic studies
- Subject status: elective
- ECTS: 7
- Semester: I
- Number of classes: 3
Mastering contemporary economic concepts, goals, methods and techniques necessary for the development of spatial plans. Analysis of the interdependence of economic development and spatial planning, as a basis for the development of spatial plans.
Upon completion of the course, the students should acquire knowledge about the scope and limitations of different strategies of economic development, economic mechanisms and instruments in the development of spatial development plans (as a synthesis of economic, social, environmental and institutional development).
Theoretical lectures
(1) - Economically efficient spatial development: dispersed versus centralized spatial development; planning versus market
(2-4) - Modern economic concepts of spatial development: debate on balanced and unbalanced spatial development; convergent versus divergent economic development (neoclassical and contemporary economic approaches); Modern economic approaches to spatial distribution of activities: Growth poles theory, Incubator model, Product life-cycle model, Porter's model, Model of new economic zones
(5-7) Contemporary concepts of spatial development: Anti-urbanism concepts and Wright's Broadacre city/region; Le Corbusier - The Radiant City; Howard's Garden city; Unwin's satellite towns; The concept of 'new towns'; Linear city/region; The concept of a polycentric region-city; The concept of a decentralized city; The concept of organic city development
(8-10) - Environmental indicators and indicators of economic development; Inadequacy to encompass the environment with economic indicators; Concept of sustainable development; Definition of sustainable development that considers natural, man-made and human capital ("weak", "strong" and "critical" sustainable development). Economic development and environmental protection – Environmental Kuznets curve.
(11-13) - Modern concepts of spatial, ecological and economic development - on the example of the USA and Western Europe, wealthy Asian countries, developing countries, China, transition economies and Serbia
(14) – Controversial economic, environmental and social objectives of the spatial development of the European Union
(15)-Economic, spatial planning and transport conception and measures for improvement of spatial development
Practical lectures
Developing research topics and preparing seminars
ovanovic, М. 2005. Interdependence of Urban Transport Strategy and Spatial Development of a Metropolis. Belgrade: Faculty of geography.
Јоvanović, М.. 2008. Urban planning, automobile dependency and sustainable development of European metropolises. Industry, 1, pp. 17-42.
Јоvanović, М. 2009. Wealthy Asian cities: planned development of urban transport and urban forms. Industry, 1, pp. 19-41.
Јovanović, М. 2008. Sustainable development of the developing world metropolises - urban transport and urban forms. Industry, 3, pp. 27-60.
Jovanovic, М. 2013. Sustainable urban transport and spatial development of Belgrade. Sustainable Urban and Transport Planning (SUTP 2013). Belgrade: UNIDO.
Jovanović, M. 2012. Kuznets curve and urban transport - the scope of I+M programs. Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva, 92(4), 127-142.
McCann, P. 2013. Modern Urban and Regional Economics. Oxford Un. Press.
Menkiw, G. 2013. Principles of Economics. Belgrade: Faculty of economics.
Devetaković, S., Gavrilović-Jovanović, B. and Rikalović, G. 2013. National economy. Belgrade: Faculty of economics.
Jensen O.B. and Richardson T. 2004. Making European Space: Mobility Power and Territorial Identity. London-New York: Spon Press.
Spatial Development Strategies in Europe (ESDP, Vision Planet, Estia)
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