Sociology (NOPP11I1)

  • Level of study undergraduate studies
  • Teacher: Sociology (NOPP11I1)
  • Subject status: elective
  • ECTS: 3
  • Semester: I
  • Number of classes: 1+1

Building and developing analytical skills in the domain of sociological concepts important for spatial planning. The most important research topics in sociology are globalization, industrialization, urbanization, the theory of development, social inequality and social mobility, social exclusion and poverty, social institutions and social integrity, corruption as an indicator of social disintegration, insight into the concept of needs, values and norms, social spatial groups, relatives, vulnerable groups, housing, everyday life and gender, welfare state and citizen. The way in lectures and exercises encourages students to state examples from their environment in order to support a certain predicate.

The main subject results is to enable students to "interpret and understand the space" in a sociological way, using key concepts and analytical concepts of sociology that are relevant to spatial planning.

Theoretical lectures

1. Globalization - the theory of the world system, globally, locally glocally
2.  Industrialization and urbanization. Criteria for city definition
3. The theory of de/development.
4. Social inequalities and social mobility
5. Social exclusion and poverty
6.  Social institutions. System of social integrity.
7.  Corruption - an indicator of social disintegration
8. Needs,  interests, values and norms
9.  Social-spatial groups.
10.  Related groups: a traditional family, a modern family, a vertically expanded family. Household as an element of the world system
11. Vulnerable  social groups
12. Housing and social-spatial inequalities
13. Everyday life. Gender and everyday life.
14. The welfare state
15. Person, Citizen

Practical lectures

1. Problems of Urban Life
2. Pathological phenomena. Crime and criminality
3. Housing pauperism in Belgrade
4. Garden cities
5. Middle class in Serbia
6. Sociology of the body
7. Gender and Sexuality
8. Education
9.  Governance and politics
10. Rural women and health The Rural Women's Health
11. Rural families and everyday life
12.  Unequalnesses unevenness and development
13. Everyday life in serbia: a vertically extended family
14. Sport and violence
15. Taverns and modernization

Miletić Stepanović Vesna 2013, Planiranje socijalnog razvoja, Geografski fakultet u Beogradu, skripta

Gidens Entoni, 2003, SOCIOLOGIJA. Ekonomski fakultet, Beograd  str. 114-151, 152-184, 208-256, 422-450, 492-538


Miletić- Stepanović, Rajković, 2012, Protivurečnosti postsocijalističkog razvoja grada: stambena beda oko moderne obilaznice oko Beograda kod Straževice  (Uneveness  of the Post-socialist Socio-spatial Development of Belgrade: Poverty Related to Housing along Modern Roundabout Road around Belgrade at Straževica), u ur. Šećerov, Velimir: Gradovi u XXI veku, APP Srbije i Geografski fakultet, str. 493-500

Anđelka Mrikov, 2007 VRTNI GRADOVI EBENEZERA HAUARDA  Ebenezer Howard's Garden Cities, SOCIOLOGIJA, Vol. XLIX (2007), N° 4, str. 313- 332

Sreten Vujović, 2012  FENOMEN KAFANE I MODERNIZACIJA. Fragmenti o evropskom, balkanskom i beogradskom kafanskom životu (THE TAVERN PHENOMENON AND MODERNIZATION Fragments on European, Balkan and Belgrade Tavern Life) u: TEME, broj 3, 867-891

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