Social Development Planning (NOPP22O3)

Accent importance of the relation between social development and sustainable and urban development, relation between sociological concepts of social development and are relevant to spatial planning. This purpose is also adjusted to the work methods, through lectures and exercises, through which the independence of students is achieved in linking and operationalizing the concepts.

Developing critical reflection and understanding the connection between spatial and social development. Developing students' analytical skills in terms of concepts related to social development issues that are relevant to spatial planning. Dissemination of knowledge about the importance and role of social development objectivess, development of methodological and analytical skills competence the domain of achievement of objectivess of social development in spatial planning

Theoretical lectures

  1.  Social development as part of sustainable development. Social Development and Economic Growth. Social exclusion. Regional development and territorial cohesion
  2. Urban development as part of social development. Sustainable urban development. The relationship of industrialization and urbanization. Deformed urbanization. Hyper and hip urbanization. Typology of the post-socialist city
  3. Global regional imbalance. Social development on the semi-product of world capitalism. The theory of de-development. Local self-government as a democratic, development institution local government and the glocal world
  4. Development, gender and everyday life. Modern family and social development. Home work as a welfare generator. Household as the world system institution
  5. Indicators of social development in spatial planning. Laeken indicators as indicators of social exclusion
  6. Needs. interests, values and norms. Social urbanistic norm. Usurpation and illegal construction
  7. Social capital. Territorial capital.
  8. Neo-Marxist thought of the city. Analysis of the conflict. Space and social power. Space and the production of surplus value. Harvey David, Castells Manuel.
  9. Neo-Weberian thought of the city. Urban managementism
  10. Legal state and human rights. Civil and political rights. Economic, social and cultural rights. Lefevre's concept of urban society and the right to a city. World Charter of the Right to the City
  11. The welfare state, social policy, citizen, civil society
  12. Public good and public interest. Public space as a public good. Power  and space
  13. Socio-spatial inequalities and exclusion: filtration, gentrification, homelessness, marginal neighborhoods, material deprivation in the neighborhood, the concept geta
  14. Public services as development institutions. Urbanization without urbanity. Classification of public services. Models of spatial availability enhancement.
  15. Housing as a generator of socio-spatial inequalities

Practical lectures

1. Millennium Development Objectivess
2. Human Development Index
3. Human Security Index
4.  Poverty indicators: financial poverty
5. Poverty indicators: unemployment
6. Poverty indicators: health care
7.  Indicators of gender equality
8. Poverty indicators: quality of housing
9.  Poverty indicators: social participation
10. Social exclusion of children
11. Poverty indicators: education
12. Indicators of pre-school child care
13. Care of children without parental care
14. The aging of the population and the
15.  Persons with special needs


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