Rural Area Revitalization (NOPP31I2)

  • Level of study undergraduate studies
  • Teacher: Ph.D. Dragica Gatarić
  • Subject status: elective
  • ECTS: 3
  • Semester: V
  • Number of classes: 2

Acquisition of classified and systematized scientific knowledge about rural settlements and territories (municipal territory, rural area and rural region); Explanation and understanding of changes in the rural area and social reality (transformation of a classical village and peasantry, creation of villages with market-oriented production, etc.).

Development of creativity and active attitude of students towards planned social measures, interventions and actions in the field of revival of certain segments of rural settlements and territories, etc.

Theoretical lectures

1) Definition of revitalization of rural settlements and territories. Theoretical and methodological basics of revitalization of rural settlements and territories. Different scientific aspects of revitalization of rural settlements and territories.
2) Revitalization of rural areas and territories in different areas of social practice (rural policy, spatial and rural planning, etc.). Scientific objectives and social needs of the research of rural environment;
3) The process of depopulation and fragmentation of rural settlements. Spatial-demographic depopulation and fragmentation of rural settlements. Forceful and unplanned (spontaneous) displaced rural settlements. Displaced rural settlements and territories in Serbia in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Potentials (natural, residential, production, etc.) of displaced rural settlements and territories;
4) Aspects of revitalization of rural settlements (physiognomic, demographic and functional). Revitalization of rural settlements and spatial behavior of our rural inhabitants;
5) Current rural situation and rural settlements as possible centres of development of Serbia. Current situation and problems of rural development of Vojvodina. Current situation and problems of rural development in central Serbia. Current situation and problems of rural development of Kosovo and Metohija;
6) Revitalization and spatial-functional typology of rural settlements.
7) Spatial network model of rural settlements: primary village, eco village, ethno village, small village centres, transitional (medium-sized) village centres, developed rural centres, suburban rural settlements of agricultural type, suburban rural settlements of urban type, suburban rural settlements of mixed (agricultural-residential) type, unplanned suburban rural settlements and temporary settlements of rural orientation;
8) Revitalization of rural settlements and territories as a fundamental developmental issue. Spatial planning concept of development of rural settlements.
9) Rural territories according to the degree of differentiation. Rural areas of special (specific) functions;
10) The basics of revitalization of rural settlements and territories. Continuous planned measures, interventions and actions. Occasional planned measures, interventions and actions.
11) Effects of expected spontaneous (unplanned) influences. Hierarchy of planned measures, interventions and actions: macro (national, state), meso (regional and subregional) and micro (local or municipal) planned measures, interventions and actions;
12) Rural planning and revitalization of rural settlements and territories. Concept of sustainable development and revitalization of rural settlements. Planned implications of synchronization of rural and urban development;
13) Perspectives of rural development and rural planning as an integral part of spatial planning.
14) -15) Rural plan of Serbia – a basic document and a set of guidelines for homogeneous (balanced) and prosperous socio-economic development.

Practical lectures

Comparative analysis of programmes and plans for revitalization of individual villages and groups of rural settlements and rural regions in Serbia and in some countries in the European Union. Creation of thematic maps of distribution of depopulated rural settlements, dwarf villages (20 and fewer inhabitants), spontaneously displaced rural settlements, senior households (all members aged 60 or more) with land ownership in rural settlements of Serbia, as well as corresponding graphic illustrations, etc. Elements for the preparation of the rural plan (scientific-informational basis and the structure of the plan).

Grupa autora: Perspektivni razvitak seoskih naselja Srbije, IAUS, Beograd, 1969–1975.
Revitalizacija sela, Zbornik radova, Agronomski fakultet u Čačku Univerziteta u Kragujevcu i Moravički okrug, Čačak, 1995.
Srboljub Đ. Stamenković: Naučna polazišta proučavanja aktuelne ruralne situacije i seoskih naselja kao mogućih centara razvoja Srbije, Stanovništvo, br. 1–4, Institut društvenih nauka, Centar za demografska istraživanja, Beograd, 1999.
Ljiljana Vasilevska: Program obnove sela kao instrument planiranja ravnomernog regionalnog razvoja, Arhitektonski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2005.
Zakić Z., Stojanović Ž.: Ekonomika agrara, Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2008.

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