Research Methodology of Geography Teaching Process (2013D12I5)
- Level of study PhD academic studies
- Teacher:
Ph.D. Slavoljub Jovanović
- Subject status: elective
- ECTS: 8
- Semester: II
- Number of classes: 4
Introduction to basic theoretical and methodological problems in studying the geography teaching.
Training for critical consideration of different types of research in the process of geography teaching.
Training for understanding the process of scientific research and for independent design and realization of simple research of pedagogical aspects of geography teaching.
At the end of the course, the student:
- Cites and explains the theoretical and methodological problems in studying the geography teaching.
- Identifies the range and limitations of different types of research in the process of geography teaching (quantitative, qualitative, action ...)
- Identifies problems in geography teaching that should be explored
- Defines the subject, goals, research tasks, and initial hypotheses as well
- Selects the relevant research methods and techniques and applies them efficiently in the research process
- Selects the relevant sample of the research according to the determined selection criteria
- Independently constructs research instruments, checks their metric characteristics and applies them in research
- Independently carries out procedures for collecting and arranging data
- Uses computer programmes for database formation and statistical data processing
- Efficiently analyzes and interprets the obtained results and makes relevant conclusions
- Presents the research results meaningfully
Theoretical lectures
- Modern tendencies and types of research in geography teaching.
- Qualitative research in geography teaching.
- Pedagogical experiment in geography teaching.
- Action research in geography teaching.
- Choosing a scientific problem from the angle of practice, science, and the possibilities themselves.
- Creating a research project, defining goals, tasks and scientific research hypotheses.
- Variables and indicators in research.
- Selection of research methods and techniques.
- Types of samples and selection criteria.
- Construction and metric characteristics of instruments.
- Collecting and arranging data.
- Statistical procedures for data processing.
- Computer programmes for data processing (MS Office Excel, SPSS).
- Methods of analyzing and graphically displaying data, interpreting results and writing reports.
- Application of research results in practice.
- Bakovljev, M. (1997). Osnovi metodologije pedagoških istraživanja, Naučna knjiga, Beograd.
- Banđur, V. i Potkonjak, N. (1999). Metodologija pedagogije. Savez pedagoških društava Jugoslavije, Beograd.
- Blattner, P., L. Urlich, K. Cook & T. Dysk (2000). Vodič kroz Microsoft Excel 2000. Computer Equipment and Trade, Beograd.
- Kocić, Lj. (1983). Eksperimentalna pedagogija. Prosveta i Institut za pedagoška istraživanja, Beograd.
- Matović, N. (2007). Merenje u pedagoškim istraživanjima. Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju, Filozofski fakultet, Beograd.
- Mužić, V. (1986). Metodologija pedagoškog istraživanja. Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Sarajevo.
- Pešić, M. i saradnici (2004), Pedagogija u akciji. Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju Filozofskog fakulteta, Beograd.
- Ristić, Ž. (2006). O istraživanju, metodu i znanju. Institut za pedagoška istraživanja, Beograd.
- Rosić, V. (2001). Teorijsko-metodološka utemeljenost pedagoških istraživanja. Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci. Rijeka.
- Pallant, J. (2009). SPSS Priručnik za preživljavanje, Mikro knjiga, Novi Sad.
- Članci iz stručnih časopisa koji su objavljeni na Internetu u kojima se prikazuju rezultati istraživanja pedagoških pitanja vezanih za nastavu geografije.
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