Research Methodology in Social Geography (NMG1I2)

1. Students will master the basic postulates, principles and methods of scientific research, forms and methods of scientific knowledge, as well as a kind of theoretical basis, the core of science; 2. Students will adopt the theoretical and methodological bases and problems of research in social geography, first of all those that "permeate" the whole process of spatial organization of society; 3. Students will get acquainted with the methods of collecting, systematizing, classifying and generalising scientific material and information; 4. Students will get acquainted with new methods of research, taking into account general, special and specialist scientific methods; 5. Students will get acquainted with the principles and methods of writing and presenting scientific research.

Students will form concepts, laws and theories in the field of human geography. Students will master general and special methods in social geography such as systemic approach with the repertoire of systemic analysis methods, geographical approach and method including cartographical-graphical, statistical-mathematical, historical-genetic method and others, which are necessary for scientific analyzes and explanations  in the field of human geography.

  1. THEORY AND METHODOLOGY OF SCIENCE - The concept of methodology of science, concept of scientific problem, Basic concepts and problems of theoretical geography;
  2. STUDYING ON THE OBJECT OF GEOGRAPHY - Object, subject and content of geographical science; structure of geography and its place in the system of science.
  3. RESEARCH METHODS. General problems of methodology of scientific research, concept of process of knowledge and program of research, classification of scientific methods, observation method, experiment, methods of generalization, geographical discoveries, geographical image of the world. Method of classification and systematization. Method of economic-geographical regionalization.
  4. SYSTEM APPROACH IN GEOGRAPHY AND THEORY OF GEOSYSTEM - system approach and it’s role in geographical research, geographical system, geosystems properties.
  5. THEORETICAL GEOGRAPHY - the essence and the most important categories. Geographical categories of space and time. The concept of territory and territorial organization of natural-social geosystems. General geographical theories and concepts. Theories of spatial development in human geography.
  6. MODELING IN GEOGRAPHY - Cartographic modeling, mathematical-geographic modeling.
  7. SCIENTIFIC FACTORS AND ACTIVITIES - general data, relevance of data, scientific facts, scientific law, scientific theory.
  8. PRINCIPLES OF SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES - objectivity, reliability, precision, generality, systematic of scientific knowledge.
  9. LOGICAL FACTORS OF SCIENTIFIC WORK - concepts, judgments, conclusions, scientific explanation, proof.
  10. PERSONALITY TRAITS OF RESEARCHERS -  knowledge and skills needed for contemporary research work, intellectual traits of researchers, general characteristics and orientation of researchers.
  11. SCIENTIFIC HYPOTHESIS AND VARIABLE. Determination of scientific facts. Setting up scientific hypotheses. Theoretical evaluation of scientific hypotheses. Verifying, confirming and denying scientific hypotheses. Scientific theory.
  12. EMPIRICAL BASIS OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH - problem of the empirical basis of scientific knowledge. Methods as to the empirical basis of scientific knowledge (observation, measurement, experiment)
  13. SCIENTIFIC LAW, SCIENTIFIC EXPLANATIONS AND PREDICTIONS. The notion of a scientific law. Scientific law as a statement of the constant succession of natural phenomena (problem of causality). Nature of scientific explanations (deductive, probabilistic, functional, rational, genetic). Explanation and understanding in geography. Scientific explanations in human geography.
  14. THE GROWTH OF SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE. Continuity and discontinuity in the historical development of scientific knowledge. The problem of scientific paradigms and scientific revolutions in human geography.
  15. SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH PROJECT - problem setting, criteria for choosing a methodological approach, types of projects (conceptual, study, planning, strategic). Report on completed research. Evaluation of research results.

Радовановић М.: Теорија и методологија географије, рукопис умножен за студенте географије. Београд, 1980.
Harvey D.. Explanantion in geography, или руски превод: Харвей Д., Научное обьяснение в географии. Москва, 1974.
Hagget P.: Geography - a modern synthesis (нко новије издање), или руски превод: Хаггет П. Географија – синтез современных знаний, Москва, 1980.
Мандић П., Методологија научног рада, Академија наука и умјетности РС, Бања Лука, 2004;
Марковић М., Филозофски основи науке, САНУ, Београд, 1994.

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