Regional Processes and Spatial Planning (NMPP2I2)
- Level of study master academic studies
- Teacher:
Regional Processes and Spatial Planning (NMPP2I2)
- Subject status: elective
- ECTS: 7
- Semester: II
- Number of classes: 3
The course has theoretical-methodological character and aims to synthesize knowledge in the field of regional development, regional planning and regional governance and to point out their application in spatial planning.
The outcome of the course will be to train the student - future spatial planner (master) to apply theoretical and methodological principles and results of researching regional processes in solving specific problems in the spatial planning of regional units of different spatial and social scope.
Theoretical lectures
- Methods of researching and determining regional developmental processes - general (analytical, synthetic, quantitative, qualitative etc.) and special (regional analysis and regional synthesis).
- Factors for development of regional processes (regional gathering and regional differentiation of geospace): physical-geographical and environmental; socio-geographical; spatial-economic; political; legal and administrative. Spatial-planning dimension in the consideration of their roles and significance.
- The role of regional processes in defining and achieving balanced regional development of local, subregional, regional and supraregional geospatial systems.
- Concepts and instruments for defining and implementing policies of balanced regional development.
- Regional processes and planning regions.
- Planning region - structural spatial category.
- Planning region - qualitative spatial category.
- Planning region - dynamic spatial category.
- The significance of regional processes for planning and spatial organization of homogen and functional regional systems.
- The role of regional processes in integrating urban settlements with their regional surroundings.
- Regional processes and their treatment in spatial plans of local areas, regional systems and national territory.
- Research of regional processes for purpose of spatial plans for territories intended for specific or special purposes.
Тошић, Д. (2012): Принципи регионализације. Географски факултет Београд
Вујошевић, М., Зековић, С., Маричић, Т. (2012): Нови европски регионализам и регионално управљање у Србији. Посебна издања, бр. 69. ИАУС
Оцић, Ч. (2005): Увод у региоекономику. Знамен, Београд.
Мариновић-Узелац, А.(2001): Просторно планирање. ДОМ – Свијет, Загреб. (Поглавље о регионализацији).
Вујошевић, М., Зековић, С., Маричић, Т. (2012): Нови европски регионализам и регионално управљање у Србији. Посебна издања, бр. 69. ИАУС
Оцић, Ч. (2005): Увод у региоекономику. Знамен, Београд.
Мариновић-Узелац, А.(2001): Просторно планирање. ДОМ – Свијет, Загреб. (Поглавље о регионализацији).
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