Regional Policies of the European Union and Serbia (NOPP42I1)
- Level of study undergraduate studies
- Teacher:
Ph.D. Marija Jeftić
- Subject status: elective
- ECTS: 3
- Semester: VIII
- Number of classes: 2+1
Regionalization as a result of decentralization will be explained from the standpoint of current policies and previous experiences at the level of the European continent and especially at the level of Serbia. Basic documents on regionalization, regional development and regional integration will be presented along with explanations of the basic concepts and practical experiences of individual countries in Europe and, in particular, Serbia. The idea of functional regions based on articulated community interests will be elaborated and compared with the practice of administrative and planning-statistical regions in order to better understand Europe's regional policies. From the point of view of theory and practice in Serbia, certain segments of the different policies, realized in the period between the second half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, will be analyzed.
The outcome of the course will be a comprehensive understanding of the importance of regionalization for the competitiveness, coherence and competitiveness of the regions and general community. By comparing examples from European and domestic practice, students should meet planning at the regional level, especially from the aspect of trans-border and transregional cooperation in Europe and the possibility of applying these principles in Serbian practice.
Theoretical lectures
Presenting EU regional policies; regional development of the European Union (Objectives 1, 2, 3); Regional development policy of Serbia; Spatial Development Strategy of Serbia and the relation to regional development; functional linking of local communities at the regional level; spatial planning of the region; defining regional development projects; orientation of regional development projects towards EU projects; problems of implementation of regional development and integration projects
Practical lectures
Presentation of European development documents from the aspect of regional development and regional policies; examples of regional spatial plans in Serbia; an overview of existing and potential trans-border regions in Serbia; examples of regional integration of local communities in the specific area of Serbia
ESPON project 2.3.2 –Governance, 2006.; Стратегија развоја Града Београда-поглавље Институционални развој, ПАЛГО центар, 2007.; Vision Planet - Strategies for Integrated Spatial Development of the Central European, Danubian and Adriatic Area, Background Report, 2000.; Географска структура и регионализација Србије, САНУ ГИ Јован Цвијић, Београд, 1997.; Проблеми ревитализације пограничних крајева Југославије и Републике Српске”, Географски факултет, Београд, 2002.; Регионално планирање, регионални развој и заштита животне средине, ИАУС, Београд, 1995,96,97.; Planet Cense, BBR, Bon, 2006.; Просторни план Републике Србије, ИАУС, Београд, 1996.; Стојков Б.: Регионализација као основ регионалног развоја Србије, у Регионализација Србије, трансгранична сарадња и социо-културни процеси у Југоисточној Европи, Географски факултет Универзитета у Београду, Београд, 2003.; Стојков Б.: Полицентрични развој Србије, у Србија и савремени процеси у Европи и свету, Географски факултет Универзитета у Београду, Београд, 2005.; Тошић Д.: Подунавље као фактор регионалне интеграције југословенског и европског геопростора у Подунавље у Србији-планирање одрживог развоја и коришћење ресурса, УУС, Београд, 1996.; Шећеров В, Лазић И.: Трансгранична сарадња општина и њене импликације на шире регионално окружење, у Локална самоуправа у планирању и уређењу простора и насеља, АППС, Београд, 2001.
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