Regional geography of Eurasia 2 (NOG32O4)

  • Level of study undergraduate studies
  • Teacher: Ph.D. Dejan Šabić
  • Subject status: obligatory
  • ECTS: 4
  • Semester: VI
  • Number of classes: 2+1

To introduce students to the theory and methodology of regional geography through the analysis of the components and determinants of regional development in individual regions of Europe and Asia and identification of developmental problems with the aim of developing competencies in the selection of problematic topics related to the regions.

To train students for the application of acquired regional geographic knowledge in teaching.

Theoretical lectures

1. The position of European countries in the world economy.
2. Regional Economic Groups and Markets, Integration Processes in Europe (EU, CEFTA, EFTA).
3. A new scientific and technological revolution and its consequences on the European economy.
4. Spatial, demographic and environmental problems of European agglomerations (Paris, London, Berlin, Athens, Madrid, Vienna, Geneva, Moscow, Rome, Prague, Helsinki, Stockholm).
5. Geographical position, boundaries and size of Asia.
6. Basic natural features of Asia (geological past, large morphological units, types of climate, water resources, land - use and degradation, biogeographical features, nature protection, regimes and levels of protection).
7. Modern demographic and economic characteristics of Asia.
8. Components and determinants of the development of the countries of Southwest Asia (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Yemen, Oman, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Turkey, Iraq, Iran).
9. China and Japan.
10. Development of Asian tigers (South Korea, Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan), Malaysia, Indonesia and India.
11. Problems of the development of transition countries in Asia (Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia).
12. The situation of Asian countries in the world economy.
13. Regional economic groups and markets.
14. Integration processes in Asia.
15. Principles and Concepts of Geographical Regionalization of Asia, the geographical region of Asia - Southwestern, South and Southeast Asia, geographic regions of Asia - Eastern, Central and North Asia.

Practical lectures

1. Methodology for the preparation of seminar papers from regional geography of Asia.
2. Literature analysis for seminar papers.
4. Principles and Concepts of Geographical Regionalization of Asia.
5. Analysis of the current regional geographic studies in Asia.
6. Problems of the development of Asian regions.
7. Presentations and defense of seminar papers, preparation of practical papers and colloquiums.

Ристић К. Регионална географија I, Научна књига, Београд, 1993. (In Serbian)

Шабић Д. и Павловић М. Глобални и регионални развој Европске уније, Географски факултет у Београду, Београд, 2008. (In Serbian)

Шабић Д. Регионална географија, скрипта, Географски факултет у Београду, Београд, 2010. (In Serbian)

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