Regional geography of Eurasia 1 (NOG31O5)
- Level of study undergraduate studies
- Teacher:
Ph.D. Dejan Šabić
Ph.D. Rajko Golić
- Subject status: obligatory
- ECTS: 4
- Semester: V
- Number of classes: 2+1
Introduce students with the theory and methodology of regional geography through the analysis of the components and determinants of regional development in certain regions of Europe, as well as the identification of developmental problems with the aim of developing competencies of students in the selection of problematic topics related to European regions.
To train students for the application of acquired regional geographic knowledge in teaching.
Theoretical lectures
1. Introduction to regional geography.
2. The subject and task of regional geography.
3. Regional geography and the regional development.
4. Typology of the region (structural elements of the region, types of regions).
5. The formation and development of regional geography (the beginnings of regional research, scientific regional geography and theoretical geography).
6. New regional geography (spatial elements and systems, phases and methods of regional development).
7. Geographical position, and boundaries of Europe.
8. Europe, a cradle of civilizations and European values.
9. Basic natural features of Europe (large morphological units, types of climate, water resources, land - use and degradation, biogeographical features, nature protection, regimes and levels of protection).
10. The impact of natural resources on the socio-economic development of individual regions of Europe.
11. Geographical and historical development of Europe.
12. The characteristics and factors of demographic development, the distribution and structure of the population of Europe, the cultural and living standard of the population of Europe.
13. Principles and concepts of geographical regionalization of Europe, geographical regions of Europe - North, Western and Central Europe, geographical regions of Europe - Southern and Eastern Europe
14. Components and determinants of of highly developed countries in Europe.
15. Problems of transitional countries in Europe (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia).
Practical lectures
1. Methodology for the preparation of seminar papers.
2. Literature analysis.
3. Subject, methods and tasks of regional geography of Europe.
4. Principles and concepts of geographical regionalization of Europe.
5. An analysis of the current regional geographic studies in Europe.
6. Problems of the development of European regions.
7. Presentations of seminar papers, preparation of practical papers and colloquiums.
Ристић К. Регионална географија I, Научна књига, Београд, 1993. (In Serbian)
Шабић Д. и Павловић М. Глобални и регионални развој Европске уније, Географски факултет у Београду, Београд, 2008. (In Serbian)
Шабић Д. Регионална географија, скрипта, Географски факултет у Београду, Београд, 2010. (In Serbian)
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