Regional Development and Transport (NOPP42O3)

  • Level of study undergraduate studies
  • Subject status: obligatory
  • ECTS: 4
  • Semester: VIII
  • Number of classes: 2+1+1

Mastering the basic economic concepts, goals, methods and techniques necessary for analyzing the complex interdependence of regional development and transport

Students will acquire knowledge in the field of the regional economics and transport economics, which are necessary for the development of regional spatial plans.

1- The basic concepts of regional economics and transport economics
2- Debate on balanced regional development - convergent versus divergent regional economic development
3- The impact of economies of agglomeration on the concentration of economic activities and the population
4- Importance of competition, innovation, human capital and diversification of production in regional economic development (MAR-Porter-Jane Jacobs)
5- Modern economic approaches to spatial distribution of activities: 1. Growth poles theory; 2. Incubator model; 3. Product life-cycle model; 4. Porter's model; 5. Model of new economic zones
6- Contemporary concepts of spatial regional development: Anti-urbanism concepts and Wright's Broadacre city/region;
7- Contemporary concepts of spatial regional development: Le Corbusier - The Radiant City;
8- Contemporary concepts of spatial regional development: Howard's Garden city; Unwin's satellite towns; The concept of 'new towns';
9- Contemporary concepts of spatial regional development: Linear city/region;
10- Contemporary concepts of spatial regional development: The concept of a polycentric region-city; The concept of a decentralized city; The concept of organic city development
11-Factors affecting transport patterns in the region: level of economic development, investments in transport infrastructure, prices and economic instruments, interdependence of transport and spatial distribution of population and activities
12 - Regional development and transport - on the example of the USA and Western Europe,
13 - Regional development and transport - case of wealthy Asian countries,
14-Regional development and transport - on the example of developing countries, China, transition economies and Serbia
15- Economic, spatial planning and transport conception and measures for improvement of regional development and transport

Ocić, Č. 2003. Uvod u regionomiku. Beograd: Znamen.
Jovanović, M. 2005. Međuzavisnost koncepta urbanog razvoja i saobraćajne strategije velikog grada. Beograd: Geografski fakultet.
Armstrong, H. and Taylor, J. 2000. Regional Economics and Policy. Blackwell.
McCann, P. 2001. Urban and Regional Economics. Oxford Un. Press.
Cheshire P. and Duranton G. 2004. Recent Developments in Urban and Regional Economics. Edvard Elgar.
Jensen and Richardson. 2004. Making European Space: Mobility Power and Territorial Identity.Spon Press
Button, K. 2003. Recent Developments in Transport Economics. Edvard Elgar Publ.

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