Regeneration of Population 2 (NOD22O3)

  • Level of study undergraduate studies
  • Teacher: Ph.D. Mirjana Devedžić
  • Subject status: obligatory
  • ECTS: 6
  • Semester: IV
  • Number of classes: 2+2
  • Condition: /

Acquiring knowledge about components of natural population movement. Causes and consequences of the transition of fertility, natural increase, nuptiality and divorciality. Relations between the transition of fertility, nuptiality and divorciality.

Acquiring knowledge about the theory and methodology of natural movement. Measures and techniques for the analysis of fertility, nuptiality and divorciality.

Theoretical lectures

Biological, economic, social and other factors of fertility of the population. Division of factors by its nature and mode of action. Fecundity and effective fertility of the population. Sterility and reprogenesis as a demographic issue. Socioeconomic factors of fertility and transition of their impact. Cultural patterns and norms as a factor in the fertility of the population. Sociopsychological factors of fertility, ideal, desired and expected number of children. Maltussian transition and Princeton Fertility Research. Methods of demographic analysis of fertility. Fertility tables. Probability of parity progression. Differential fertililty by various characteristics. Natural increase as a component of population dynamics. Demographic investments. The study of marriage and divorce in demography. The influence of nuptiality and divorciality on other components of the demographic development.The modern form of extramarital partnerships. Model of stable and stationary population.

Practical lectures

Sources of data on natural population movement. Analytical indicators of fertility. Calculating crude and specific fertility rates. The fertility curve. Calculation of the total fertilityrate, gross and net reproduction rate. Protogenetic and intergenic intervals. Construction of fertility tables. Natural growth rates. Crude and specific rates of nuptiality and divorciality. Prinston Indicators.

Devedžić M. (2006), O prirodnom kretanju stanovništva, Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva

Breznik D. (1977), Demografija, analiza, metodi i modeli, CDIIDN

Đurđev B. (2001), Osnovne tehnike u demografiji, Društvo demografa Jugoslavije

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