Regeneration of Population 1 (NOD21O3)

  • Level of study undergraduate studies
  • Teacher: Ph.D. Mirjana Devedžić
  • Subject status: obligatory
  • ECTS: 6
  • Semester: III
  • Number of classes: 2+2
  • Condition: /

Acquiring knowledge about components of natural population movement. Causes and consequences of the transition of fertility, fertility and mortality of the population. Theoretical and methodological approaches to reproduction and mortality of the population in correlation with other demographic phenomena.

Acquiring knowledge about the theory and methodology of natural movement. Measures and techniques in studying the natality, fertility and mortality of the population.

Theoretical lectures

Objective, purpose and importance of studying natural movement of the population, as the main components of the development of the population. Development of theoretical thoughts on the fertility and mortality of the population. Types of the demographic transition of the natural population movement. Cross sectional and longitudinal analysis methods. Time component in demography. Biological, economic, social and other factors of mortality. Analytical indicators of mortality in cross sectional analysis. Life tables and their construction. Life expectancy of population. Differential mortality by sex, age and other characteristics. Maternal mortality. Infant and child mortality. Causes of mortality and epidemiological transition. Lifestyle and mortality.

Practical lectures

Sources of data on natural population movement. Important units and features for the analysis of fertility and mortality. Lexis diagram, defining the population deaths, and periodic and moment population of lives. General and specific mortality rates. Mortality curve. The standardization procedure for mortality rates. Calculation of biometric functions from life tables. Biometric analysis of infant mortality.

Devedžić M. (2006), O prirodnom kretanju stanovništva, Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva

Breznik D. (1977), Demografija, analiza, metodi i modeli, CDIIDN (odgovarajuća poglavlja)

Đurđev B. (2001), Osnovne tehnike u demografiji, Društvo demografa Jugoslavije (odgovarajuća poglavlja)

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