Population Statistics 1 (NOD21O1)
- Level of study undergraduate studies
- Teacher:
Ph.D. Aleksandar Knežević
Ph.D. Jelena Stojilković Gnjatović
- Subject status: obligatory
- ECTS: 6
- Semester: III
- Number of classes: 2+2
- Condition: /
Improvement of the methodology of statistical research of the dynamics and structure of human populations determines the legitimacy of demographic development in correlation with other components of the social processes, and the statistics of the population with high percentage of reliability brings out the function of basic scientific information on the demographic situation and the demographic potentials of society (the state, the nation). In this context, students learn about the development of population statistics in the world, with special reference to Serbia and other countries of the Southeastern Europe. Special attention is given to the methodology of the population census and vital statistics, as well as to adjustment with the recommendations of the United Nations.
Through this course the students should gain knowledge on population statistics as a special part of statistical science applied in the research and explication of mass phenomena of a demographic character of special importance for the development of human communities and the socio-historical process in general.
Theoretical lectures
Subject, goal and tasks of population statistics. History of the development of population statistics in the world. Development of population statistics in the Principality of Serbia, the Kingdom of Serbia, the Kingdom of the SHS, in the SFR Yugoslavia and the Republic of Serbia. Methodological issues and problems. Available data, the possibility of using and comparing them. Census statistics, methodological bases, units and features. Basic absolute and relative values. Basic measures and techniques of calculation. The significance of grouping the features, unique tabulation, general and special processing. Basic structures and basic indicators of important population structures. Features deriving from the population census. Statistical definition of families, the possibility of separating families according to the number of live births, family types. Households, statistical definition, typology and household structure. Households with agricultural holdings derived from the census. Settlements, statistical definition and typology.
Practical lectures
Possible activities in independent data collecting and seminar work (for example, conducting a survey or partial census in parts of the settlements where students live). Presentation and analysis of relevant methodological materials used in the population census (controllers, questionnaires, methodological instructions, etc.). Acquiring practice in proper use and filling in the inventory material. Application of GIS technology for the purpose of census, the experience of some other world countries in the introduction of the basic characteristics of software packages used in population statistics (PopMap, Demographic Viewer, Statistica, etc.) and the possibilities for their application. Presentation of the results of the census (books or CDs) and practicing of their use.
Group of authors (1981). Metode popisivanja stanovništva. Studije organizacije UN. Beograd: SZS.
Group of authors (1953). Stanovništvo NR Srbije od 1834-1953. Beograd: RZS.
Rančić, M. (1980). Statistika stanovništva. Beograd: Viša škola za primenjenu informatiku i statistiku.
Serdar, V. (1953). Uvod u statistiku stanovništva (demografska statistika). Zagreb: Školska knjiga.
Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (2000). Međunarodne preporuke UN za sprovođenje popisa stanovništva. Beograd: RZS.
Selected studies, analysis and reviews, SZS, RZS, Beograd (related to population statistics).
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