Population Politics (NOD42O2)
- Level of study undergraduate studies
- Teacher:
Ph.D. Petar Vasić
- Subject status: obligatory
- ECTS: 4
- Semester: VIII
- Number of classes: 2+1+1
The main goal of the course is to acquire knowledge related to political actions in the sphere of bellow-replacement and excessive birth, as well as those relevant for the promotion of health, the implementation of the migratory policy and the political response to the population aging. In this sense, all the necessary levels, from a general term, through concrete policies in selected countries to the acceptance of certain measures at the individual level, are processed in lectures and exercises.
Informing of students with possible ways of political response of the state to demographic trends in the population – by policy regarding fertility, mortality and migration.
Theoretical lectures
1) Introductory topic - term, subject matter, methodology, importance 2) Population policy - historical overview 3) Natural potential for childbearing 4) Phenomenon of bellow-replacement fertility 5) Birth postponement 6) Population policy towards fertility in developed countries 7) Acceptance of population policy at the individual level 8) Possible new solutions for the purpose of rehabilitation of birth 9) Political response to the population aging 10) The phenomenon of excessive birth 11) Population policy of developing countries 13) Politics in the area of population mortality 14) Policy in the field of population migration 15) Population conferences
Practical lectures
1) Elements of political response in Lepenski Vir, Bible, Plato's "State", Aristotle's "Politics" 2) The response of France, Sweden and Hungary to the bellow-replacement fertility 3) Familly planning programmes in Tunisia, Mexico, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka 4) Pronatalist strategy of Serbia 5) National Action Plan on Aging 6) Workshops "Storks Rarely Go to Serbia" and "Baby Be or Not to Be" 9) Workshop "Why Young People Leave From Serbia?" 10) Cairo Population and Development Conference Messages
Mirjana Rašević, Prihvatanje populacione politike na individualnom nivou, Stanovništvo, br. 1-4, 1995. 2. Mirjana Rašević, Mina Petrović, Iskustva populacione politike u svetu, IDN, Beograd, 1996. 3. Mirjana Rašević, Mesto mortaliteta u populacionoj politici , Osnovi populacione politike: ciljevi, institucije, mere, SANU, 1997. 4. Mirjana Rašević , Planiranje porodice kao stil života, IDN, Beograd, 1999. 5. Mirjana Rašević, Boško Mijatović, Zakon o finansijskoj podršci porodici sa decom, Stanovništvo, br. 1-4, 2002. 6. Mirjana Rašević, Fenomen starenja stanovništva Srbije, Demografija, br. 3, 2006. 7. Mirjana Rašević, Odlaganje rađanja – osnovna demografska cena 1990-ih godina, ZMS, br. 120, Novi Sad, 2006. 8. Mirjana Rašević, Fenomen nedovoljnog rađanja u ekonomskoj i sociološkoj misli, Ekonomija i sociologija, IDN, Beograd, 2007. 9. Mirjana Rašević, Faktori prirodnog fertiliteta, Stanovništvo, broj 3-4, 1997. 10. Mirjana Rašević, Boško Mijatović, Ka zadovoljavanju potreba starih, Sociološki pregled, broj 1- 4, 2004. 11. Mirjana Rašević, O demografskom aspektu kosovske krize, Kosmet-Gordijev čvor, Institu za uporedno pravo, Beograd, 2008. 12. Mirjana Rašević, Šest zabluda relevantnih za populacionu politiku, ZMS, br. 127, 2009. 13. Mirjana Rašević, Odgovor Srbije na demografske izazove: stanje i očekivanja, Stanovništvo i razvoj, IDN, Beograd, 2012.
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