Population Geography 2 (NOG22O5)

  • Level of study undergraduate studies
  • Teacher: Ph.D. Danica Šantić
  • Subject status: obligatory
  • ECTS: 4
  • Semester: IV
  • Number of classes: 2+1

The aim of this course is to introduce students with development of demographic systems in the world and in Serbia in different temporal and spatial conditions; to acquaint students with the importance of understanding spatial differences of demographic phenomenon on regional, national and global level; To gain knowledge about determinants of development and distribution of population in past and present; To identify possible future trends in development and distribution of population; to get know the basic principles of using and creating policy methods and documents on different regional levels;

After passing the course students should be able to perceive the complexity of study territorial organization of demographic system in Serbia and worldwide; students get familiar with areas of similar and different population distribution, structures, migration patterns; the student is able to determine relevant factors in demographic regionalization; Student gets the necessary basic knowledge of stages and development of elements of demographic structures in Serbia and the world. Students will be ready to perform some basic projections of population trends in future.

Theoretical lectures

Spatial distribution of world population – trends and perspectives; Methodology and population and household dynamics in Serbia and the world; Methods and determinants of natural change in Serbia and the world; Birth and death rate, fertility rate, and natural increase; Marriages and divorces; Migration – terminology, definitions, causes and consequences, methods and techniques of research; Migration transition and the main determinants of migration patterns in Serbia and the world; Research methods and structure determinants in Serbia and the world;  Population structures: age and sex distribution; Socio-economic structures; Race, ethnicity, language and religion; Households according to size, member structure, income sources in Serbia and the world; Urban and rural population; Population models; Population projections; Population policies on national level.

Practical  lectures

Differences in spatial distribution and population density on national, regional and global level; Examples of polarization of population dynamics in Serbia and the world; Regional polarization of birth rates, fertility, reproduction; Regionalization of mortality, Regionalization of natural increase; Types of marriage structure and regionalization of marriages; Types of migration; Processes of aging, deagrarization and urbanization in Serbia and the world; Methods of calculating population projections, Methodology of creating and presenting the students seminar; Filedwork.

Breznik D. (1988) Demografija, analiza, metodi i modeli, Naučna knjiga, Beograd.
Đurđev B. (1998) Geografija stanovništva, PMF, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Novi Sad.
Đurđev B. (2001) Osnovne tehnike u demografiji, Društvo demografa Jugoslavije, Beograd.
Kicošev S., Golubović P., (2004) Demogeografija, Niš
Nejamšić I. (2006) Demogeografija, Školska knjiga, Zagreb.
Rowland D. (2003), Demographic methods and concepts, Oxford University press, Oxford.
Woods R. (1979) Population Analysis in Geography, Longman, New York (poglavlja III - IX).
Demeny p. McNicoll G. (2003) Enciclopedia of population, Macmillan Reference USA
Weeks J.(2008) Population, an introduction to concepts and issues, Tenth Edition, San Diego State University, Thomson Wadsworth (deo 2-4)
Newbold K. B. (2010) Population Geography, Tools and IssuesRowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., U.K. (poglavlja 3-11)
Stanovništvo i domaćinstava Republike Srbije prema popisu 2002. godine, IDN, Republički zavod za statistiku, Beograd.

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