Population Geography 1 (NOG21O5)

  • Level of study undergraduate studies
  • Teacher: Ph.D. Danica Šantić
  • Subject status: obligatory
  • ECTS: 5
  • Semester: III
  • Number of classes: 2+2

The aim of this course is to introduce students with development of population geography; to provide students knowledge of the fundamental theories regarding population phenomenon; to understand demographic research methods and techniques; to train students to use main data sources relevant in studying of demographic patterns.

The module should enable students to understand and adopt theoretical and methodological approaches in population studies. By adopting of the program of this course the students strengthen their own abilities to understand and use statistical, demographic and other methods and techniques in population research; to improve ability to use historical, statistical and GIS data sources; In addition, to develop students ability to apply their knowledge regarding to creation of tables, graphs and maps of certain population phenomenon.

This course is organized in five parts: History of population geography; Population geography in the system of science; Concepts and theory in population geography; Methodology and techniques in population research; Characteristics and sources of population data.

Theoretical lectures

Theoretical framework; Methodological approaches; Population geography in multidisciplinary context; Population geography in the system of geographic sciences; The subject and research field of population geography; Traditional methods in population researches; Contemporary statistical, mathematical and demographic methods in population researches; Terminology and characteristics of population; Data sources; Population and environment; The evolution of human race and development of the world population; Demographic and migration transition theories; Development of anthropogeography in Serbia; Spatial distribution of world population – historical perspective; Characteristics of contemporary distribution, concentration and population density in Serbia and worldwide.

Practical lectures

Introduction of written, statistical and other population data sources; Types of surveys: questioners and interviews; Methods of processing statistical data; Presenting statistical data; Mapping population patterns; Samples of  population development and distribution on national, regional and global level; Filedwork and visits to the relevant governmental organizations (SORS, Regional statistical offices, Ethnographic museum in Belgrade). The main sources in providing the data for students work will be UN data sources, national census data, demographic statistics, migration statistics, population registers, and other relevant internet data bases.

Breznik D. (1988) Demografija, analiza, metodi i modeli, Naučna knjiga, Beograd.
Đurđev B. (1998) Geografija stanovništva, PMF, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Novi Sad.
Đurđev B. (2001) Osnovne tehnike u demografiji, Društvo demografa Jugoslavije, Beograd.
Kicošev S., Golubović P., (2004) Demogeografija, Niš
Nejamšić I. (2006) Demogeografija, Školska knjiga, Zagreb.
Rowland D. (2003), Demographic methods and concepts, Oxford University press, Oxford.
Woods R. (1979) Population Analysis in Geography, Longman, New York (poglavlja I i II).
Demeny p. McNicoll G. (2003) Enciclopedia of population, Macmillan Reference USA
Weeks J.(2008) Population, an introduction to concepts and issues, Tenth Edition, San Diego State University, Thomson Wadsworth (deo prvi)
Newbold K. B. (2010) Population Geography, Tools and IssuesRowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., U.K. (poglavlja 1-3)
Stanovništvo i domaćinstava Republike Srbije prema popisu 2002. godine,IDN, Republički zavod za statistiku, Beograd.

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