Plans and Programmes of Environment Protection (13OZS42O1)

Studying the principles of planning, development of programs and projects for environmental protection.

Complexity of knowledge in the function of development of plans and programs for environmental protection.

Theoretical lectures

  1. Planning the program for protection and improvement of the environment;
  2. Designing the environmental protection system;
  3. Control of the implementation of programs and projects for environmental protection;
  4. Urbanistic and architectural measures for environmental protection;
  5. Legal and planning measures for environmental protection;
  6. Plans and programs for the protection and use of forest land;
  7. Plans and programs for the protection and use of agricultural land;
  8. Plans and programs for protection, use and equipping of building land;
  9. Plans and programs for recultivation and utilization of degraded land;
  10. Plans and programs for the protection and use of water and aquatic land;
  11. Plans and programs for the protection and use of cultural and natural values;
  12. Techniques of protection and use of water resources;
  13. Air Protection Techniques;
  14. Techniques of protection, arrangement and use of green areas;
  15. Plans and programs for the efficient functioning of utility services;

Practical lectures

Students work individually on the subject: Development of programs and plans for the protection of a particular element or part of the environment; Environmental protection and improvement project; Practical work is publicly presented and defended.

Lješević M. (2002): Ruralna ekologija, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Geografski fakultet, Beograd.

Lješević M. (2002): Urbana ekologija, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Geografski fakultet, Beograd.

Miljković M (2000): Zaštita radne i životne sredine. Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd.

Material (prepared by professor and assistant) collected from books, studies, plans, field research and internet portals.
Studies and separations were made for concrete plans and programs of environmental protection.

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