Planning Theory (NOPP41O1)
- Level of study undergraduate studies
- Teacher:
Ph.D. Tijana Dabović
- Subject status: obligatory
- ECTS: 4
- Semester: VII
- Number of classes: 2+2
The aim of the course is to introduce the students to the latest theoretical approaches to spatial planning and changed conditions in which it takes place, its settings, role and diversity. Exploring theoretical attempts and “turns” towards determining a more coherent system of knowledge, research and action.
Aqiring the knowledge about the modern concepts, priorities and problems that spatial planning is facing today and in the near future, globally and nationaly. Developing abilities to recognize and structure limitations and possibilities of theoretical models towards finding more coherent practical solutions.
Theoretical lectures First part of the course evolves around difficulties to define and planning and its theory, as well as to identify its terrain, roots and content. Constitution of the modern planning theory is presented through the rational theory. The further development of planning theory is presented from the perspective of the disintegration initiated by the criticism of the rational theory and debates about: decision-making process (incrementalism and pragmatism); public interest (advocacy and the model of equity planning), the use of planners’ knowledge (the model of social learning and communicative action and the radical model); the role of planning in capitalism (neo-marxist model and neo-liberal model of planning). Second part of the course is focused on attempts to integrate planning knowledge. They are grouped by the decades and marked by the general and planning context in which they appeared. The 1960s and 1970s: Etzioni’s mixed scanning (1967) and Hudson’s SITAR (1979); the 1980s: Healey, McDougall & Thomas 7 procedural rules for determining PT (1982) and Yiftachel’s three types of complementary urban planning theories (1989); the 1990s and 2000s: The revival of strategic planning and management, Archibugi’s “plannology” (2008), Schönwandt’s “3rd” generation of planning theory (2008) and Ferreira, Sykes & Batey’s Hydra model (2009); the 2010s: Complexity planning. Practical lectures Creation and presentation of seminar paper (essays) with a selected theme from the lecture program - getting acquainted with a wide range of literature, analysis and diagnosis of problems, specific planning responses and instruments.
Дабовић, Т. (2017). Теорија планирања. Универзитет у Београду - Географски факултет, Београд, 1-118; Đorđević D. (2004): Uvod u teoriju planiranja. Geografski fakultet, Beograd; Forester J. (1988): Planning in the Face of Power. University of California Press; Hillier J., Healey P. (2008): Critical Essays in Planning Theory Volumes 1, 2 and 3. Ashgate; Brooks M. (2002): Planning Theory for Practitioners. APA Planners Press; Allmendinger P., Tewdwr-Jones M. (2001): Planning Futures: New Directions for Planning. Routledge UK.
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