Planning at Local Level (NOPP41O4)

Acquiring knowledge about the role, position, competencies, and scope of work of local self-government in the sphere of planning and arrangement of space and social development, as well as in preparation and adoption of strategic projects that are related or have an impact on the local community.

Tasks of the subject are focused on the analysis of practices and good examples of European countries and Serbia in the area of local self-government and the training of spatial planners for cooperation with local actors in the process of drafting planning documents and mastering methods of recognition and techniques of cooperation with local actors and groups.

Theoretical lectures

The reality of Local Democracy.
Local Democracy Institutions.
Experiences and practice of local self-government on examples of members of the European Union.
Scope of work, competencies and legislation on local self-government in Serbia.
Interested stakeholders and interesting groups at local level. Partnerships of the public, commercial and third sector in the local community.
Cooperation with citizens and citizen associations in spatial planning.
The public concept and the methods of forming a qualified public.
The importance of professional associations, local initiatives and associations.
Collection and presentation of data of interest for the development of the local community in strategic plans. Methods for advocacy of local community interests.

Practical lectures

Study research work: Field research.

Lukić B., Šećerov V. (2017): Planiranje na lokalnom nivou – organizacija, upravljanje razvoj. Geografski fakultet Univerrziteta u Beogradu, Beograd.

Milosavljević B. (2009): Sistem lokalne samouprave u Srbiji. Stalna konferencija gradova i opština, Beograd.

Kojović M. (2013): Lokalne zajednice u održivom razvoju. Evropski centar za mir i razvoj (ECPD) Univerziteta za mir Ujedinjenih Nacija, Beograd.

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