Planning and Development of Tourist Areas (NMT1I1)
- Level of study master academic studies
- Teacher:
Ph.D. Velimir Šećerov
- Subject status: elective
- ECTS: 7
- Semester: I
- Number of classes: 3
Explanation of the significance of the strategy, ie the necessity of defining objectives and the concept of development of this activity at the local, regional and national level. In explaining this subject, contemporary experiences as well as the experience of domestic experts will be used, pointing to good examples, but also certain weaknesses in defining tourism development strategies in certain functional areas.
By acquiring knowledge, students acquire competences for interpreting and understanding tourism development strategies of a particular functional area from an environmental, social and economic point of view, as well as from the standpoint of institutional capacity. Students also become able to properly perceive the effects of tourism development on the sustainable development of a particular territory.
Theoretical lectures
Tourism and spatial implications. Principles of tourism development in Europe. Principles and propositions of tourism development in Serbia. Tourism Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia. Tourist Development Programs - Master Plans. Tourism development strategy in spatial plans. Tourism development and ecological dimension. Tourism development and economic dimension. Tourism development and social dimension. Tourism development and space identity. Institutional capacities for tourism development management. Implementation of strategic plans for tourism development. Marketing in support of the implementation of strategic plans for tourism development. Public participation in the preparation and adoption of strategic plans for tourism development.
Practical lectures
Getting acquainted with the system of spatial and urban plans. Strategic dimension of tourism development in spatial and urban plans. Tourism Development Programs - examples from Serbia and the environment. An example of a certain functional tourist area in Serbia
Просторни план Републике Србије 2020, 2010.
Закон о туризму и Закон о планирању и изградњи
ППППН одабраних примера туристичких дестинација (Стара планина, Кучај-Бељаница, СРП Увац и др.); Просторни план уређења морског добра у Црној Гори, ЦЕП, 1998.
Марић, И, Пуцар, М.: Конкретни пројекти уређења туристичких места
Филиповић Д., Шећеров В.: “Просторно-еколошки аспект развоја бањског простора Селтерс код Младеновца”, у “Планирање, уређење, заштита-Бањска и климатска места Србије”, АППС и Географски факултет Београд, Београд, 2006.
Шећеров В: “Планирање просторног развоја туризма на примеру ППО Суботица”, у Гласнику СГД, св. LXXXVIII, бр. 3, СГД, Београд, 2008.
Шећеров В: “Стратешко планирање града”, Географски факултет, Београд, 2012.
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