- Level of study undergraduate studies
- Teacher:
Ph.D. Goran Anđelković
- Subject status: elective
- ECTS: 6
- Semester: VI
- Number of classes: 2
- Subject goal
- Learning outcome
- Subject content
- Literature
- Method of carrying out the teaching
- Evaluation of knowledge
Understanding climate changes from the aspect of geophysical sciences for more efficient and consistent use of time series of meteorological and climatological data (observations, simulations, projections) in geo-spatial analyzes.
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to understand and explain the geophysical aspects of climate changes; list the main factors influencing climate changes; application of the basic method of climate changes analysis and forecasting of future changes; use relevant data sources and tools for their processing and analysis.
Theoretical classes
Climate and climate variability - 1. Climate and climate system. 2. Variabilities of the climate system, astronomical factors, solar radiation, the impact of volcanoes on the climate, the impact of greenhouse gases. 3. Climate change in the past on millennial scales (paleo-climate). Climate in the past (instrumental period) - 4. Changes in the composition of the atmosphere due to processes in nature and human activities. 5. Relevant sources of observed data and products of observed climate change in the 19th, 20th and 21st century. Climate modeling and climate models - 6. Hierarchy of climate models. Example of a climate model of zero dimension.7. Global and regional climate models, model verification. Climate in the future - 8. Emission scenarios and projections of the future climate, uncertainty and robustness of climate model results. 9. Global and regional projections of the future climate. Application of climate model results - 10. Relevant data sources; 11. Error analysis and reduction. 12. Impact studies 13. Examples of impact studies.
Practical teaching
Practical work with meteorological and climatological data.
Observed data - Cellular observed data and acquaintance with databases of graded climatological data and reanalysis (EOBS, CARPATCLIM, ERA5, etc.); trend calculation; calculation of climate indices relevant for the assessment of extreme meteorological and climatic events.
Results of climate models - introduction to databases of results of climate models (CORDEX, CIMIP5, CIMIP6); calculation and analysis of basic climate changes on an annual and seasonal basis; Calculation of climate indices relevant for the assessment of extreme meteorological and climatic events; Preparation of data for impact studies; Preparation of an impact study.
Ђурђевић В. и Тошић И., 2017, Климатске промене, Физички факултет, пп 206, ISBN 978-86-920795-0-4
Gettelman, A., & Rood, R. B. (2016). Demystifying Climate Models. In Earth Systems Data and Models. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Stocker T., 2016, Introduction toClimate Modeling,
Lectures and practical exercises.
Pre-exam obligations:
- practical exercises (max 20 points)
- colloquium (max 20 points)
- seminar presentation (max 20 points)
Final exam:
- oral exam (max 40 points)
Grades are awarded on a scale from 5 to 10, where 10 is the best grade and 5 is a fail.
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