Paleogeography (NOG12O2)

Familiarization with the formation and development of the basic spheres of the Earth - lithosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere; Applied methods in paleogeographic research; Geochronology; The emergence and development of the organic world, the emergence and development of man; Paleogeographical evolution of large earth formations, with special reference to Europe and the Balkan Peninsula.

Knowledge of the geohronological scale, with the ability to compare the duration of the eons, the era and the period, the knowledge of the position and relations of the poles and continents, the origin and the material of the Earth. Knowledge of methods of paleogeographic reconstructions and methods of dating of relative and absolute age.Knowing the weather and spatial relationships during the quarter with a special emphasis on the emergence and development of people.

Theoretical lectures:

Definition, goal, and basic tasks
Methods in paleogeography
The origin, interior and energy potential of the Earth
The formation and evolution of the atmosphere
The formation and evolution of the hydrosphere
The origin and evolution of the organic world
The origin and evolution of people
The emergence and evolution of large forms of relief of the Earth (continents and ocean basins)
Paleogeographic evolution of Tethys, Paratets and the Pannonian Sea
Paleogeographic evolution of the Balkan Peninsula

Practical lectures:

The duration of the eon
Duration of the era
Duration of the Paleozoic period
Duration of Mesozoic and Cenozoic
Earth, discontinuities and spheres
The relationship between the poles and the continent during the paleozoic
The relationship between the poles and the continent during the Mesozoic and the Cenozoic
Analysis of the equatorial areas during paleozoic, mesozoic, and canozoic
Reconstruction of the climate during glacial pleistocene
Geographical distribution of Parathesis in the central Miocene

Gavrilović D., Đurović P. (2006): Paleogeografija

Eremija M. (1972): Paleogeografija, Beograd

Stevanović P., (1980): Kratka geološka istorija nekadašnjeg Panonskog mora, Zemlja i ljudi, sv. 30, Beograd

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